Tests of examples

Ty Tower tytower at hotmail.com.au
Thu Feb 21 02:58:33 PST 2008

Firstly when HelloWorld lights up it calls the window "a" yet I see no name in the program. Is this a default value .
nascent_test1 and 2 both give segmentation faults on my machine

torhu's-synctest works fine .When I push the button though it freezes and I have to abort
[tytower at linuxbox user]$ nascent_test1
Segmentation fault
[tytower at linuxbox user]$ nascent_test2
Segmentation fault
[tytower at linuxbox user]$ torhu_synctest
[tytower at linuxbox user]$ torhu_synctest
[tytower at linuxbox user]$

Bloody Doobs  eye blinding "draw" is a ripper ,it leaves me with a pink impression in my eye after the Cyan is gone . Now if you could just make that a womans silhouette,

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