File /etc/rebuild/ tango-posix-dmd

John Reimer terminal.node at
Fri Feb 22 06:19:10 PST 2008

Ty Tower wrote:
> John Reimer Wrote:
>> You don't know me, Ty, so please don't make assumptions as to what I 
>> will or will not do.  What I said there is that the switch has a reason 
>> for its existence.  Depending on how you installed Tango, it is either 
>> correct or incorrect.
>> Incidentally, it is correct for my tango installation because I still 
>> rename the tango lib as Phobos (I ran into problems when I used the 
>> "defaultlib" switch). So, your statement remains quite presumptuous and 
>>   reactively dogmatic.
> garbage again -the latest install does not and did not tell me to rename Tango to Phobos and neither did you . You could have suggested that . You didn't I don't care much merely make the point
>>> Jesse's posts were ,as far as I looked into each answer, also wrong and misleading
>>> the one relating to -lXdamage for instance. He made the statement "one problem leads to another "under his rant. That was wrong - the libraries wern't as they should be admittedly but the post was totally misleading .
>> If that is the case, I have to say that yours were more so.
> I am the newbie asking the questions . I am allowed to be wrong thats what the posts are for and I admit readily to my errors , you and he obviously do not
>>> If you can't stand criticism and constructive criticism at that then don't post
>> That would be good advice for both of us perhaps?  You appear to be 
>> responding quite poorly to constructive criticism.  We both appear to 
>> like calling a spade a spade... but you appear to be entirely 
>> unreceptive, and, in fact, quite inflammatory to the merest suggestion 
>> that you might be wrong.  Wouldn't we both get further with each other 
>> with more gracious responses?
> Thats garbage John-I readilly admit my mistakes  and there have been a few here 
> You want gracious responses go practice in a poofs bar mate- there's plenty in Melb no?
>> You know I've already admitted the shortcomings of dwt project 
>> instructions... we've gone out of our way to rectify the situation 
>> (thanks to Jacob's contribution we're moving in the right direction), so 
>> I'd say we have been moderately responsive to constructive criticism 
>> despite everybody's excessively busy schedules.
>> -JJR
> Well I didn't get much real help looking back at what the problems really were  and I hoped that by pasting the compilers output I might get a hand from experienced people with this particular dwt. I still have a problem with the custom control examples which no one has  answered and I am assuming there aren't many knowledgeable people available on here. 
> I know now and knew then there would be some problems with dwt. Fully expected that ,but I said before you must give some priority now to getting a clear install page for both windows and unix. 
> If someone has a go at me John they are going to get some back quick smart. Just the way I am. I have been downloading and installing what was new stuff for me in D , dsss and dwt/dwtexamples. Ive been trying to get it installed for near 3 weeks and have not got to the end of it yet. At least I'm close.
> If I were developing this I would be asking for as much feedback as possible regardless of content , at least till I got it running.

Fair enough... you are not one to be reasoned with.  I will no longer try.


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