dwt-win rev 254 building error
yidabu.spam at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 02:34:56 PDT 2008
with dmd 1.028:
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2029): Error: LPCHOOSEFONTW is used as a type
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2029): Error: cannot have parameter of type void
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2026): Error: identifier 'LPCHOOSEFONTA' is not defi
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2026): Error: LPCHOOSEFONTA is used as a type
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2026): Error: cannot have parameter of type void
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2029): Error: identifier 'LPCHOOSEFONTW' is not defi
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2029): Error: LPCHOOSEFONTW is used as a type
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2029): Error: cannot have parameter of type void
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2026): Error: identifier 'LPCHOOSEFONTA' is not defi
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2026): Error: LPCHOOSEFONTA is used as a type
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2026): Error: cannot have parameter of type void
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2029): Error: identifier 'LPCHOOSEFONTW' is not defi
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2029): Error: LPCHOOSEFONTW is used as a type
nternal\win32\WINAPI.d(2029): Error: cannot have parameter of type void
yidabu <yidabu.spam at gmail.com>
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