The eclipse editor in work

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Thu Sep 11 03:19:20 PDT 2008

Frank Benoit wrote:
> Currently I am working on porting the component JFace.Text.
> This is the editor that eclipse uses internally.
> AFAIK the only graphical Editor available for D GUI is Scintilla. This
> one is used in DCode/Entice, Poseidon. JFace.Text will bring in a new
> Editor component, ported from Java to pure D.
> Does someone know if a comparison JFace.Text vs. Scintilla exists?
> Key Features of JFace.Text
> - Undo/Redo/find/replace
> - Linenumbers
> - Text templates
> - Folding
> - Problem+Quickfix markers with automatic update while typing
> - Hovers, Links
> - Context menu management
> - Proposals
> - Rules as basis for parsing the text
> - Annotation of the text (put problem description or breakpoint location
> to the text)
> - Syntax highlightning
> - Revisions of the text and difference view
> - ....
> The current state is that 434 of 443 files are compilable.
> So the boring stuff is done, now some manual coding is still needed to
> implement missing stuff from the java runtime environment
> (BufferedReader,StringReader,Pattern,Matchers,...) and some Java
> synchronize stuff.
> I hope to have waken someones interest... I could use some help ;)

The JFace Text framework in D? Pretty cool :)
The ideia of having Eclipse functionality in D is pretty awesome! If we 
had the whole Platform available it would be ass-kicking, but it would 
also be an herculean effort.

Bruno Medeiros - Software Developer, MSc. in CS/E graduate

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