GUI text input dialog with few lines

Adam D Ruppe destructionator at
Sat Oct 28 17:16:20 UTC 2023

On Monday, 23 October 2023 at 16:50:08 UTC, Felipe Lema wrote:
> Hey, I know this is stretching it out, but ... how can I do 
> "Ctrl-v" to paste the clipboard content?

Ah, sorry, I missed this - I don't follow this forum daily (it 
was pure coincidence your first message came in when I happened 
to be looking at it, feel free to CC my destructionator at 
email if you need a quicker answer).

For text input, ctrl+v should just work automatically, it is 
handled by the widget itself. Can you check the version you have? 
On linux my thing was annoyingly buggy (like it'd usually work 
but not always) until i think version 11.1.

If we had to though you can add a addEventListener key press 
thing but it should just work...

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