
Alberto reda at
Tue Feb 13 16:40:26 PST 2007

> Would imagine you'll have some difficulty building the examples?
Now I can compile every tango example without problems with build, but
with the build-all.bat I have some problem.

for example, if I did something like (cutted from build.all):

C:\dmd\tango\example> dmd conduits\composite.d
..\tango\io\protocol\Reader.d ..\tango\io\Buffer.d
..\tango\io\model\IBuffer.d ..\tango\io\model\IConduit.d
..\tango\io\protocol\model\IProtocol.d ..\tango\io\protocol\Writer.d
..\tango\io\FileConst.d ..\tango\io\protocol\model\IWriter.d
..\tango\io\FileConduit.d ..\tango\sys\Common.d  ..\tango\io\FileProxy.d
..\tango\io\FilePath.d ..\tango\text\convert\Utf.d
..\tango\io\DeviceConduit.d ..\tango\io\Conduit.d -I.. -op

I get:

 Error 42: Symbol Undefined
--- errorlevel 1

The same happens with system\argparser.d and all other conduits examples.

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