Getting whether it's Tango or Phobos

Sean Kelly sean at
Mon May 19 22:19:47 PDT 2008

Chris R. Miller wrote:
> Sean Kelly wrote:
>> Robert Fraser wrote:
>>> That requires the user to specify -version=Tango . I'm looking for 
>>> something that can be compiled with either Tango or Phobos without 
>>> asking anything of the user.
>> Tango actually requires that version=Tango be set for the installation 
>> to be considered complete.  I suppose we could enforce this by adding 
>> a static failure condition to Tango's object.d file, but I'd like to 
>> think that making it a default part of the bundled Tango installs and 
>> documenting the requirement in our manual install docs would be 
>> sufficient.
> I also wonder how that would behave with Tangobos, which could cause 
> issues with Phobos code expecting a version=Phobos, which would conflict 
> with version=Tango.  Perhaps I'm wrong, but that could present a problem.

I'd probably still set version=Tango in that instance, but the user 
could probably set either or both safely, depending on how third party 
libraries are implemented.


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