Does D have high-performance sockets

D Day damianday at
Wed Jun 13 14:35:10 PDT 2012

On Wednesday, 13 June 2012 at 17:21:15 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:
> On Wednesday, 13 June 2012 at 15:53:15 UTC, Jarl André wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 13 June 2012 at 10:24:58 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky
>> wrote:
>>> On 13.06.2012 1:29, D Day wrote:
>>>> Are there any implementations of this anywhere for D?
>>>> I really only care about the windows platform - and have 
>>>> considered
>>>> writing this myself with IOCP and std.socket, but I figure 
>>>> someone else
>>>> must have already done something similar?
>>> Take a look at vibe.d. While it looks like framework it could 
>>> be used as library just as easy.
>> My solution might be too simple. I made a simple socket server
>> that is single threaded, based on std.socket. Its really neat 
>> as
>> a need to have socket server library but I wouldn't recommend
>> using it in high performance applications. It imitates actually
>> QuickServer in Java, and the code shows clearly that I come 
>> from
>> a Java background
> There is also this nice project:

I should of mentioned my interest is purely asynchronous TCP/UDP.

Anyways, there are some great projects here.
I had no idea vibe.d could be used as a TCP server/client!
Nucular does also seem to be promising and a good fit for my 

Thanks for the information, and if there are any other great
projects out there, please do share it will benefit us all I'm 

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