dub run subPackage by default

Andre Pany andre at s-e-a-p.de
Tue Sep 1 14:45:43 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 1 September 2020 at 11:45:34 UTC, ParticlePeter wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a targetType sourceLibrary and demonstrate its usage 
> through a subPackage. For the library itself 'dub run' is 
> meaningless, but not for the subPackage.
> Is there a way to tell dub through dub.sdl or dub.json to build 
> and run a specific subPackage by default, without having to 
> call:
> 'dub run mySourceLib:myPackage' ?
> Why do I want this? Because I use Sublime Text build systems to 
> execute a dub build/run. As far as I can see I would have to 
> set up a build version for any package:subPackeg combination.
> - PP

I have a enhancement for dub in my mind, which would also solve 
your issue. Similiar to setup.py in python you would be able to 
define an entry point in dub.json.
"entryPoints": {"foo":"subPackageName"}

Command `dub install mypackage` would create a batch file/bash 
script with name foo containing the command `dub run 
mypackage:subPackageName -- %*`.

Unfortunately I do not have any time to work on this.

Kind regards

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