The D Programming Language - Digitalmars-d-learn
September 2020 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Sep 1 01:11:35 UTC 2020
Ending: Wed Sep 30 20:13:47 UTC 2020
Messages: 675
- Are @safe unittests actually checked for safety?
- tupleof seems to break encapsulation
- tupleof seems to break encapsulation
- Why does a directly defined constructor hide a mixed-in constructor?
- Why does a directly defined constructor hide a mixed-in constructor?
- default arguments for const ref parameters in extern C++ functions
- default arguments for const ref parameters in extern C++ functions
- default arguments for const ref parameters in extern C++ functions
- importing a symbol without specifying a subpackage name
- importing a symbol without specifying a subpackage name
- another question on hidden mixin names
- another question on hidden mixin names
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
- conflicting alias in package module
- conflicting alias in package module
- conflicting alias in package module
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
- How to write a counterpart to C++ std::invoke that works with both free functions and methods?
- conflicting alias in package module
- How to write a counterpart to C++ std::invoke that works with both free functions and methods?
- How to use libmir --> mir-algorithm, numir, mir-random?
- Red-Black Gauss-seidel with mir
- Red-Black Gauss-seidel with mir
- Compile and run in Win10-VSCode
- Cannot call @system funciton (stdout)
- Cannot call @system funciton (stdout)
- Cannot call @system funciton (stdout)
- Cannot call @system funciton (stdout)
- Struct initializer in UDA
- Struct initializer in UDA
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
- bindbc OpenGL ES
Danny Arends
- GC.LDC2 on Android
Danny Arends
- GC.LDC2 on Android
Danny Arends
- GC.LDC2 on Android
Danny Arends
- GC.LDC2 on Android
Danny Arends
- bindbc OpenGL ES
Danny Arends
- dub: Is it possible to have a library target and depend on it in the same dub config?
Danny Arends
- protobuf-d
Robert Aron
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
Otávio Augusto
- Deprecation in traits
Basile B.
- Template argument deduction fails with alias
Paul Backus
- Template argument deduction fails with alias
Paul Backus
- Tuple poilerplate code
Paul Backus
- I think Associative Array should throw Exception
Paul Backus
- tupleof seems to break encapsulation
Paul Backus
- Why is there no throws, @gc, impure, mutable ?
Paul Backus
- Range checked assignment
Paul Backus
- Named parameters in function call
Paul Backus
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
Paul Backus
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
Paul Backus
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
Paul Backus
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
Paul Backus
- passing a parrameter read-only ref?
Paul Backus
- Call C variadic function from D variadic function
Paul Backus
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
Paul Backus
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
Paul Backus
- get element index when using each!(x)
Paul Backus
- Cannot call @system funciton (stdout)
Paul Backus
- Cannot call @system funciton (stdout)
Paul Backus
- Resolve dub dependency
Paul Backus
- Why is "delete" unsafe?
Paul Backus
- How to hide a function return type in order to wrap several functions into an associated array?
Paul Backus
- Any way to tell if an object is inside another class?
Paul Backus
- Any way to tell if an object is inside another class?
Paul Backus
- How does alias exactly work
Paul Backus
- Where can I find the DEFINITION of vibe IOMode ??
Andy Balba
- Where can I find the DEFINITION of vibe IOMode ??
Andy Balba
- I think Associative Array should throw Exception
James Blachly
- Vibe-D File Question
James Blachly
- Call C variadic function from D variadic function
James Blachly
- Call C variadic function from D variadic function
James Blachly
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
James Blachly
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
James Blachly
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
James Blachly
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
James Blachly
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
James Blachly
- Proper way to exit with specific exit code?
James Blachly
- DDoc generation
James Blachly
- what's the best way to convert a sysTime to local machine's time (zone)?
James Blachly
- BetterC + WASM Update
Mike Brown
- BetterC + WASM Update
Mike Brown
- Install multiple executables with DUB
Jacob Carlborg
- Install multiple executables with DUB
Jacob Carlborg
- tupleof seems to break encapsulation
Jacob Carlborg
- tupleof seems to break encapsulation
Jacob Carlborg
- Neater "not version (...)" ?
Jacob Carlborg
- Neater "not version (...)" ?
Jacob Carlborg
- get element index when using each!(x)
Jacob Carlborg
- Proper way to exit with specific exit code?
Jacob Carlborg
- DDoc generation
Jacob Carlborg
- Question about linker errors when using slices
Jacob Carlborg
- DDoc generation
Jacob Carlborg
- DDoc generation
Jacob Carlborg
- Good repos to learn D
Jacob Carlborg
- Escape this in pure members
Jacob Carlborg
- Escape this in pure members
Jacob Carlborg
- Access violation when using IShellFolder2
John Chapman
- Access violation when using IShellFolder2
John Chapman
- Access violation when using IShellFolder2
John Chapman
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
John Chapman
- How to use libmir --> mir-algorithm, numir, mir-random?
Shaleen Chhabra
- How to use libmir --> mir-algorithm, numir, mir-random?
Shaleen Chhabra
- How to use libmir --> mir-algorithm, numir, mir-random?
Shaleen Chhabra
- How to use libmir --> mir-algorithm, numir, mir-random?
Shaleen Chhabra
- How to use libmir --> mir-algorithm, numir, mir-random?
Shaleen Chhabra
- How to work with and load/save sparse compressed matrices? (numir, mir.sparse)
Shaleen Chhabra
- Red-Black Gauss-seidel with mir
- Red-Black Gauss-seidel with mir
- Red-Black Gauss-seidel with mir
- Unable to open filename passed as command line argument
- Unable to open filename passed as command line argument
- Array Slicing
- Array Slicing
- Install multiple executables with DUB
Jon Degenhardt
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
Jon Degenhardt
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
Jon Degenhardt
- Neater "not version (...)" ?
- DDoc generation
- Escape this in pure members
- Accessing non-binary Unicode properties with std.uni
- Why is "delete" unsafe?
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Denis Feklushkin
- How to implement fastcall ?
Denis Feklushkin
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
Denis Feklushkin
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
Denis Feklushkin
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
Denis Feklushkin
- protobuf-d
Denis Feklushkin
- Newbie question: Return a locally allocated variable
- Newbie question: Return a locally allocated variable
- Deprecation in traits
- Deprecation in traits
- Deprecation in traits
- Access violation when using IShellFolder2
- Access violation when using IShellFolder2
- Access violation when using IShellFolder2
- Access violation when using IShellFolder2
- More complete windows declarations
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
- Range checked assignment
Harry Gillanders
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Dylan Graham
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Dylan Graham
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Dylan Graham
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Dylan Graham
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Dylan Graham
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Dylan Graham
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Memory management
Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Why does compose from std.functional return a templated function
Jan Hönig
- Why does compose from std.functional return a templated function
Jan Hönig
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- Proper way to exit with specific exit code?
- Proper way to exit with specific exit code?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- Methods for expanding class in another class/struct
- Methods for expanding class in another class/struct
- Methods for expanding class in another class/struct
- Cmake dependency scanning
- Memory management
- What classification should shared objects in qeued thread pools have?
- Specify dmd or ldc compiler and version in a json dub file?
- Good repos to learn D
- Good repos to learn D
- Vibe.d
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- Good repos to learn D
- Timeout around function call
- Timeout around function call
- Timeout around function call
- Timeout around function call
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
- Compile and run in Win10-VSCode
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
- How to use with specific curl query?
- Tuple poilerplate code
- Tuple poilerplate code
- Tuple poilerplate code
- get element index when using each!(x)
- Tuple poilerplate code
- Resolve dub dependency
- Resolve dub dependency
- Vibe.d
- Vibe.d
- Linking lib files
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- Template argument deduction fails with alias
Ben Jones
- Template argument deduction fails with alias
Ben Jones
- Deprecation in traits
Ben Jones
- Cannot call @system funciton (stdout)
- Cannot call @system funciton (stdout)
- Accessing non-binary Unicode properties with std.uni
Chloé Kekoa
- Accessing non-binary Unicode properties with std.uni
Chloé Kekoa
- Tuple poilerplate code
Simen Kjærås
- tupleof seems to break encapsulation
Simen Kjærås
- sending the address of a struct
Simen Kjærås
- Get enum value name as string at compile time?
Simen Kjærås
- Why does compose from std.functional return a templated function
Simen Kjærås
- Neater "not version (...)" ?
Simen Kjærås
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Simen Kjærås
- another question on hidden mixin names
Simen Kjærås
- Type inference for constructors
Simen Kjærås
- Why is dtor called for lazy parameter?
Simen Kjærås
- Why is dtor called for lazy parameter?
Simen Kjærås
- Why is dtor called for lazy parameter?
Simen Kjærås
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
Simen Kjærås
- Why is "delete" unsafe?
Simen Kjærås
- Deprecation in traits
Stefan Koch
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Sebastiaan Koppe
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Sebastiaan Koppe
- Vibe-D File Question
Daniel Kozak
- Vibe-D File Question
Daniel Kozak
- Why does compose from std.functional return a templated function
Daniel Kozak
- Why does compose from std.functional return a templated function
Daniel Kozak
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
Daniel Kozak
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
Daniel Kozak
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
Daniel Kozak
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
Daniel Kozak
- multiple ports.
Daniel Kozak
- multiple ports.
Daniel Kozak
- BetterC + WASM Update
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- Neater "not version (...)" ?
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- what's the best way to convert a sysTime to local machine's time (zone)?
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- AA with class keys compared with identity instead of opEquals
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- AA with class keys compared with identity instead of opEquals
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- Trying to create a trivial 64 bit D Lang DLL on a Windows 10 machine and cant get past linking.
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- default arguments for const ref parameters in extern C++ functions
Mathias LANG
- sending the address of a struct
Johann Lermer
- sending the address of a struct
Johann Lermer
- Capture offset of matches in std.regex.matchAll?
- How package Dlang in a standalone portable executable?
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
- How create Win32api Thread in Dlang?
- passing a parrameter read-only ref?
- thread ring
- Range checked assignment
- A function to split a range into several ranges of different chunks
Andrej Mitrovic
- A function to split a range into several ranges of different chunks
Andrej Mitrovic
- Initialize to None
- Initialize to None
- Initialize to None
- Neater "not version (...)" ?
Vladimirs Nordholm
- Neater "not version (...)" ?
Vladimirs Nordholm
- Neater "not version (...)" ?
Vladimirs Nordholm
- dub sub-projects
Vladimirs Nordholm
- dub sub-projects
Vladimirs Nordholm
- dub sub-projects
Vladimirs Nordholm
- dub sub-projects
Vladimirs Nordholm
- Escape this in pure members
Per Nordlöw
- Escape this in pure members
Per Nordlöw
- Escape this in pure members
Per Nordlöw
- Escape this in pure members
Per Nordlöw
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
Per Nordlöw
- AA with class keys compared with identity instead of opEquals
Per Nordlöw
- AA with class keys compared with identity instead of opEquals
Per Nordlöw
- AA with class keys compared with identity instead of opEquals
Per Nordlöw
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
Per Nordlöw
- AA with class keys compared with identity instead of opEquals
Per Nordlöw
- AA with class keys compared with identity instead of opEquals
Per Nordlöw
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
Per Nordlöw
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
Per Nordlöw
- Vibe-D File Question
Selim Ozel
- Vibe-D File Question
Selim Ozel
- How package Dlang in a standalone portable executable?
Andre Pany
- dub run subPackage by default
Andre Pany
- dub run subPackage by default
Andre Pany
- Named parameters in function call
Andre Pany
- Passing string array to C
Andre Pany
- Passing string array to C
Andre Pany
- Vibe.d
Andre Pany
- Vibe.d
Andre Pany
- How to use isLoggingEnabled?
Andre Pany
- I need "windowsx.d" Someone can send It to me?
Andre Pany
- Problem with gfm.math.matrix (some gamedevs out there ?)
Mike Parker
- importing a symbol without specifying a subpackage name
Mike Parker
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Mike Parker
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Mike Parker
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Mike Parker
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Mike Parker
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Mike Parker
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Mike Parker
- dub: Is it possible to have a library target and depend on it in the same dub config?
Mike Parker
- dub: Is it possible to have a library target and depend on it in the same dub config?
Mike Parker
- DDoc generation
Mike Parker
- create and initialise array
Mike Parker
- How to implement fastcall ?
Mike Parker
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
Mike Parker
- conflicting alias in package module
Mike Parker
- Any way to tell if an object is inside another class?
Mike Parker
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
Mike Parker
- dub run subPackage by default
- dub run subPackage by default
- Compile and run in Win10-VSCode
- I think Associative Array should throw Exception
Jesse Phillips
- I think Associative Array should throw Exception
Jesse Phillips
- I think Associative Array should throw Exception
Jesse Phillips
- Problem with gfm.math.matrix (some gamedevs out there ?)
Guillaume Piolat
- Compile code for PowerNex OS
Dan Printzell
- Compile code for PowerNex OS
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- Any way to tell if an object is inside another class?
Ruby The Roobster
- Any way to tell if an object is inside another class?
Ruby The Roobster
- Any way to tell if an object is inside another class?
Ruby The Roobster
- Any way to tell if an object is inside another class?
Ruby The Roobster
- Any way to tell if an object is inside another class?
Ruby The Roobster
- Any way to tell if an object is inside another class?
Ruby The Roobster
- How does alias exactly work
Ruby The Roobster
- I think Associative Array should throw Exception
Adam D. Ruppe
- Bug in import(...) on Windows?
Adam D. Ruppe
- Bug in import(...) on Windows?
Adam D. Ruppe
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Adam D. Ruppe
- Are @safe unittests actually checked for safety?
Adam D. Ruppe
- GC.LDC2 on Android
Adam D. Ruppe
- UDA inheritance
Adam D. Ruppe
- Passing string array to C
Adam D. Ruppe
- Why does a directly defined constructor hide a mixed-in constructor?
Adam D. Ruppe
- Newbie question: Return a locally allocated variable
Adam D. Ruppe
- importing a symbol without specifying a subpackage name
Adam D. Ruppe
- importing a symbol without specifying a subpackage name
Adam D. Ruppe
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Adam D. Ruppe
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Adam D. Ruppe
- What kind of mangling has the LDC2 -X JsonFile "deco" field?
Adam D. Ruppe
- What kind of mangling has the LDC2 -X JsonFile "deco" field?
Adam D. Ruppe
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Adam D. Ruppe
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
Adam D. Ruppe
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Adam D. Ruppe
- Cannot call @system funciton (stdout)
Adam D. Ruppe
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
Adam D. Ruppe
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
Adam D. Ruppe
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
Adam D. Ruppe
- uda pattern foo and foo(val)
Adam D. Ruppe
- uda pattern foo and foo(val)
Adam D. Ruppe
- How create Win32api Thread in Dlang?
Adam D. Ruppe
- How to write a counterpart to C++ std::invoke that works with both free functions and methods?
Adam D. Ruppe
- assert format of a string before a mixin
Adam D. Ruppe
- How to write a counterpart to C++ std::invoke that works with both free functions and methods?
Adam D. Ruppe
- multiple ports.
Adam D. Ruppe
- Array of Algebraic argument syntax
Kasra Sadeghi
- Array of Algebraic argument syntax
Kasra Sadeghi
- Named parameters in function call
Dominikus Dittes Scherkl
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
Dominikus Dittes Scherkl
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
Dominikus Dittes Scherkl
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
Dominikus Dittes Scherkl
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
Patrick Schluter
- How to use libmir --> mir-algorithm, numir, mir-random?
Fynn Schröder
- How to use libmir --> mir-algorithm, numir, mir-random?
Fynn Schröder
- Template argument deduction fails with alias
Steven Schveighoffer
- I think Associative Array should throw Exception
Steven Schveighoffer
- How to create compile-time container?
Steven Schveighoffer
- How to create compile-time container?
Steven Schveighoffer
- I think Associative Array should throw Exception
Steven Schveighoffer
- How to create compile-time container?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Bug in import(...) on Windows?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Bug in import(...) on Windows?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Annotating SortedRange.empty const: Best way to auto-deduce annotations?
Steven Schveighoffer
- I think Associative Array should throw Exception
Steven Schveighoffer
- I think Associative Array should throw Exception
Steven Schveighoffer
- Initialize to None
Steven Schveighoffer
- Call C variadic function from D variadic function
Steven Schveighoffer
- Call C variadic function from D variadic function
Steven Schveighoffer
- Get enum value name as string at compile time?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Get enum value name as string at compile time?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
Steven Schveighoffer
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Re: enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Steven Schveighoffer
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
Steven Schveighoffer
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
Steven Schveighoffer
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
Steven Schveighoffer
- DDoc generation
Steven Schveighoffer
- dub: Is it possible to have a library target and depend on it in the same dub config?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Question about linker errors when using slices
Steven Schveighoffer
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
Steven Schveighoffer
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
Steven Schveighoffer
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Steven Schveighoffer
- Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?
Steven Schveighoffer
- function to tell if a string could be an identifier
Steven Schveighoffer
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
Steven Schveighoffer
- uda pattern foo and foo(val)
Steven Schveighoffer
- uda pattern foo and foo(val)
Steven Schveighoffer
- uda pattern foo and foo(val)
Steven Schveighoffer
- uda pattern foo and foo(val)
Steven Schveighoffer
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
Steven Schveighoffer
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
Steven Schveighoffer
- conflicting alias in package module
Steven Schveighoffer
- conflicting alias in package module
Steven Schveighoffer
- conflicting alias in package module
Steven Schveighoffer
- conflicting alias in package module
Steven Schveighoffer
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
Steven Schveighoffer
- App hangs, GC.collect() fixet it. Why?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Any way to tell if an object is inside another class?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
Steven Schveighoffer
- App hangs, GC.collect() fixet it. Why?
Steven Schveighoffer
- Deprecation in traits
Steven Schveighoffer
- BetterC + WASM Update
- A function to split a range into several ranges of different chunks
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
- Annotating SortedRange.empty const: Best way to auto-deduce annotations?
- Annotating SortedRange.empty const: Best way to auto-deduce annotations?
- BetterC + WASM Update
H. S. Teoh
- tupleof seems to break encapsulation
H. S. Teoh
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
H. S. Teoh
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
H. S. Teoh
- Proper way to exit with specific exit code?
H. S. Teoh
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
H. S. Teoh
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
H. S. Teoh
- Proper way to exit with specific exit code?
H. S. Teoh
- Proper way to exit with specific exit code?
H. S. Teoh
- How to convert member function to free function?
H. S. Teoh
- Good repos to learn D
H. S. Teoh
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
H. S. Teoh
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
H. S. Teoh
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
H. S. Teoh
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
H. S. Teoh
- what's the best way to convert a sysTime to local machine's time (zone)?
H. S. Teoh
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
H. S. Teoh
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
H. S. Teoh
- Array Slicing
H. S. Teoh
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
H. S. Teoh
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
H. S. Teoh
- Accessing non-binary Unicode properties with std.uni
H. S. Teoh
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
H. S. Teoh
- Accessing non-binary Unicode properties with std.uni
H. S. Teoh
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
Severin Teona
- Problem with gfm.math.matrix (some gamedevs out there ?)
- Problem with gfm.math.matrix (some gamedevs out there ?)
- App hangs, GC.collect() fixet it. Why?
Bastiaan Veelo
- App hangs, GC.collect() fixet it. Why?
Bastiaan Veelo
- App hangs, GC.collect() fixet it. Why?
Bastiaan Veelo
- UDA inheritance
Joseph Rushton Wakeling
- UDA inheritance
Joseph Rushton Wakeling
- Named parameters in function call
Cecil Ward
- Named parameters in function call
Cecil Ward
- Range checked assignment
Cecil Ward
- Range checked assignment
Cecil Ward
- Named parameters in function call
Cecil Ward
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Cecil Ward
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
Cecil Ward
- Tuple poilerplate code
- How to use libmir --> mir-algorithm, numir, mir-random?
- Install multiple executables with DUB
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d and video files?
- Good repos to learn D
- Templates and unaryFun!
- Trying to create a trivial 64 bit D Lang DLL on a Windows 10 machine and cant get past linking.
- DDoc Web page
Russel Winder
- DDoc generation
Russel Winder
- DDoc generation
Russel Winder
- DDoc generation
Russel Winder
- DDoc generation
Russel Winder
- How to create compile-time container?
Andrey Zherikov
- How to create compile-time container?
Andrey Zherikov
- How to create compile-time container?
Andrey Zherikov
- How to create compile-time container?
Andrey Zherikov
- Bug in import(...) on Windows?
Andrey Zherikov
- How to create compile-time container?
Andrey Zherikov
- Bug in import(...) on Windows?
Andrey Zherikov
- How to create compile-time container?
Andrey Zherikov
- Bug in import(...) on Windows?
Andrey Zherikov
- Bug in import(...) on Windows?
Andrey Zherikov
- Bug in import(...) on Windows?
Andrey Zherikov
- Bug in import(...) on Windows?
Andrey Zherikov
- Why is dtor called for lazy parameter?
Andrey Zherikov
- Why is dtor called for lazy parameter?
Andrey Zherikov
- Why is dtor called for lazy parameter?
Andrey Zherikov
- Why is dtor called for lazy parameter?
Andrey Zherikov
- How to convert member function to free function?
Andrey Zherikov
- How to convert member function to free function?
Andrey Zherikov
- How to convert member function to free function?
Andrey Zherikov
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- DDoc generation
- multiple ports.
- Call C variadic function from D variadic function
- Escape this in pure members
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
- Is it possible to "overload" based on visibility?
- Memory management
- vibe.d and video files?
- Trouble with Android and arsd.jni
- Trouble with Android and arsd.jni
- dub sub-projects
rikki cattermole
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
- Why private methods cant be virtual?
- get element index when using each!(x)
- get element index when using each!(x)
- Templates and unaryFun!
- Templates and unaryFun!
- Templates and unaryFun!
- assert format of a string before a mixin
- assert format of a string before a mixin
- LNK2019 error in the C++ interface
- Proper way to exit with specific exit code?
- Timeout around function call
- Timeout around function call
- Timeout around function call
- Unable to open filename passed as command line argument
- Problem with gfm.math.matrix (some gamedevs out there ?)
- Install multiple executables with DUB
- Where can I find the DEFINITION of vibe IOMode ??
- Where can I find the DEFINITION of vibe IOMode ??
- UDA inheritance
- Why is dtor called for lazy parameter?
- Why is dtor called for lazy parameter?
- help: cannot build profdump, dub error (bug): Enforcement failed
- help: cannot build profdump, dub error (bug): Enforcement failed
- Install multiple executables with DUB
- Install multiple executables with DUB
- Install multiple executables with DUB
- Install multiple executables with DUB
- Install multiple executables with DUB
- Why is dtor called for lazy parameter?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
- Safe to remove AA elements while iterating over it via .byKeyValue?
- QuickSort on ranges
- How to use libmir --> mir-algorithm, numir, mir-random?
- enum and const or immutable ‘variable’ whose value is known at compile time
- default arguments for const ref parameters in extern C++ functions
- Methods for expanding class in another class/struct
- Any way to tell if an object is inside another class?
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- GC.LDC2 on Android
- GC.LDC2 on Android
- Trouble with Android and arsd.jni
- Trouble with Android and arsd.jni
- How to implement fastcall ?
- how to run 'dub upgrade' from within VisualD?
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
- Call C variadic function from D variadic function
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- create and initialise array
- Why is "delete" unsafe?
- what's the best way to convert a sysTime to local machine's time (zone)?
- help: cannot build profdump, dub error (bug): Enforcement failed
- Memory management
- Type inference for constructors
data pulverizer
- Type inference for constructors
data pulverizer
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
data pulverizer
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
data pulverizer
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
data pulverizer
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
data pulverizer
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
data pulverizer
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
data pulverizer
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
data pulverizer
- What kind of mangling has the LDC2 -X JsonFile "deco" field?
- What kind of mangling has the LDC2 -X JsonFile "deco" field?
- Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?
- Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?
- Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?
- Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?
- Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?
- Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?
- Struct initializer in UDA
- Struct initializer in UDA
- Struct initializer in UDA
- multiple ports.
- multiple ports.
- Initialize to None
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
- How to use with specific curl query?
- How to use with specific curl query?
- How to hide a function return type in order to wrap several functions into an associated array?
- Question about linker errors when using slices
- Tuple poilerplate code
- Unable to open filename passed as command line argument
- How to use labeled break in static foreach?
- How to use labeled break in static foreach?
- How to use labeled break in static foreach?
- Why is there no throws, @gc, impure, mutable ?
- Why is there no throws, @gc, impure, mutable ?
- Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- Building LDC runtime for a microcontroller
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- dub: Is it possible to have a library target and depend on it in the same dub config?
- dub: Is it possible to extend or specialize configurations ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- dub: Is it possible to have a library target and depend on it in the same dub config?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- dub: Is it possible to have a library target and depend on it in the same dub config?
- dub: Is it possible to have a library target and depend on it in the same dub config?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- vibe.d: How to get the conent of a file upload ?
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
- How can I test at compile time whether T is an instance of an interface ?
- Reducing .init effect of a struct that has large static array members
Ali Çehreli
- how to do this meta-programming? print the address of random element's address of a variable length of arrays?
Ali Çehreli
- QuickSort on ranges
Ali Çehreli
- Array of Algebraic argument syntax
Ali Çehreli
- Timeout around function call
Ali Çehreli
- Array of Algebraic argument syntax
Ali Çehreli
- Timeout around function call
Ali Çehreli
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Ali Çehreli
- A scheduled control signal with fibers?
Ali Çehreli
- How to hide a function return type in order to wrap several functions into an associated array?
Ali Çehreli
- How does alias exactly work
Ali Çehreli
- Memory management
Ali Çehreli
- Deprecation in traits
Ali Çehreli
- dub sub-projects
Виталий Фадеев
- Good repos to learn D
Виталий Фадеев
- How to implement fastcall ?
Виталий Фадеев
- How to implement fastcall ?
Виталий Фадеев
Last message date:
Wed Sep 30 20:13:47 UTC 2020
Archived on: Wed Sep 30 20:15:04 UTC 2020
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).