Red-Black Gauss-seidel with mir

9il ilyayaroshenko at
Sun Sep 13 19:29:31 UTC 2020

On Sunday, 13 September 2020 at 14:48:30 UTC, Christoph wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to implement a sweep method for a 2D Red-black 
> Gauss-Seidel Solver with the help of mir and its slices.
> The fastest Version I discovered so far looks like this:
> ```
> void sweep(T, size_t Dim : 2, Color color)(in Slice!(T*, 2) F, 
> Slice!(T*, 2) U, T h2)
> {
>     const auto m = F.shape[0];
>     const auto n = F.shape[1];
>     auto UF = U.field;
>     auto FF = F.field;
> [...]

Hi Christoph,

More details are required. What compiler and command line has 
been used?
The full source of the benchmark would be helpful.

Kind regards,

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