dmd -> ldmd2: /usr/bin/ error: <source>.o: multiple definition of 'bool ldc.attributes...

z z at
Sun Mar 7 11:50:45 UTC 2021

On Saturday, 6 March 2021 at 22:14:26 UTC, kdevel wrote:
> After replacing dmd with ldmd2 (LDC 1.25.1) I get tons of link 
> errors all of
> the form mentioned in the subject. Any idea what can be done 
> about it?
> (With a handcrafted single compile/link statement using ldc2 
> everything compiles
> but ideally I want to reuse my Makefile).

I think i had a similar error, can you try adding
>version(LDC) pragma(LDC_no_moduleinfo)
to the affected modules? At the line just after the module 
declaration, particularly in all package.d files and the file 
that contains the main function.
However, your error seems to be with the files inside LDC... I'm 
not sure if this will solve it.

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