dmd -> ldmd2: /usr/bin/ error: <source>.o: multiple definition of 'bool ldc.attributes...

kdevel kdevel at
Sun Mar 7 12:48:46 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 7 March 2021 at 11:50:45 UTC, z wrote:
> I think i had a similar error, can you try adding
>>version(LDC) pragma(LDC_no_moduleinfo)
> to the affected modules? At the line just after the module 
> declaration, particularly in all package.d files and the file 
> that contains the main function.

It seems to require editing each file in the codebase, package.d
does not suffice. The errors don't go away but now undefined 
show up:

/usr/bin/ App.o:(.data._D3App12__ModuleInfoZ+0x128): 
undefined reference to 

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