Being reading a lot about betterC, but still have some questions

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Tue Jul 9 08:59:34 UTC 2024

On 09/07/2024 8:43 PM, evilrat wrote:
> - If your C/C++ library provides atomics, you can do this, but probably 
> you can use some of the phobos as this is pretty low level stuff.

Atomics are provided by the compiler in the form of intrinsics.

If you do not do this, they cannot be inlined as you're forced to use 
inline assembly.

LDC and GDC like GCC and clang have an intrinsic based implementation 
for ``core.atomics``. DMD is the only D compiler that uses inline 
assembly currently.

It is all templated so yes it is accessible within a -betterC codebase.

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