Being reading a lot about betterC, but still have some questions

kiboshimo matheusmvpeixoto at
Tue Jul 9 09:27:30 UTC 2024

Thank you for the comprehensive responses

On 09/07/2024 8:43 PM, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
> Atomics are provided by the compiler in the form of intrinsics.
> If you do not do this, they cannot be inlined as you're forced 
> to use inline assembly.
> LDC and GDC like GCC and clang have an intrinsic based 
> implementation for ``core.atomics``. DMD is the only D compiler 
> that uses inline assembly currently.
> It is all templated so yes it is accessible within a -betterC 
> codebase.

That is good to know. I should expect this kind of feature to be 
present, after all betterC must be a working subset of D. But, I 
wasn't sure enough.

Based on the responses I'm assuming my example of atomic is a 
special case, but I shouldn't worry about low level things like 
threads to be absent all the same.

That's betterC targeting native. What about WASM? Does LDC -> 
WASM pipeline supports functionality one needs in a C-level 
language? If not, aside from atomics, one should be able to use C 
libraries to supplant any other purpose, right? Since C has 
mature support for WASM.

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