Being reading a lot about betterC, but still have some questions

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Tue Jul 9 09:30:18 UTC 2024

On 09/07/2024 9:27 PM, kiboshimo wrote:
> Based on the responses I'm assuming my example of atomic is a special 
> case, but I shouldn't worry about low level things like threads to be 
> absent all the same.

Threads are indeed gone.

That is library code in druntime that needs to be linked in along with 
the GC.

If you want them, you'll have to call out to the system API and do your 
own thing.

> That's betterC targeting native. What about WASM? Does LDC -> WASM 
> pipeline supports functionality one needs in a C-level language? If not, 
> aside from atomics, one should be able to use C libraries to supplant 
> any other purpose, right? Since C has mature support for WASM.

I cannot comment about web assembly since I haven't done anything there, 
but some people have so hopefully they'll comment about where to go from 

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