Why is this not allowed?

Salih Dincer salihdb at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 5 16:40:46 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 5 October 2024 at 06:35:57 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
> No, i don't want to do:
> ```C
> struct EntityDef
> {
>     struct Stats
>     {
>         int hp;
>     } stats;
> }
> ```
> Repeating the same name 3 times, i should go back to the stone 
> age too no?
> C and all other C like languages allow me to be concise
> Why is it a D thing to be backward?

In the coding scheme, fields/members/methods may be at the 
beginning, middle, or end of the structure, or may not be 
identifiers to the right of the anonymous structs. In structures, 
a lot (I wish it was in bitfield) has been taken from C. 
Especially not using typedef and not having extra semicolons make 
D stand out even with these. As for anonymous structures, they 
have to be like this in order to be used with unions.

I think everything is as it should be, and even more: Please 
include the relevant comment line (the // characters next to the 
anonymous struct) in the code and be amazed by the change :)

struct Foo
     int bar;

     //struct {/*
     Baz baz;
     struct Baz
         auto opAssign(int value)
           => baz = value;//*/
         int baz;

void main()
     Foo foo;
     foo.bar = 7;
     foo.baz = 42;
     imported!"std.stdio".writeln(foo); /*
     with opAssign()      Anonymous
     Foo(7, Baz(42))  or  Foo(7, 42)    */

Thank you to the creators and maintainers of the D.

SDB at 79

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