Problem with assertThrown

kookman thekookman at
Mon Sep 9 23:46:18 UTC 2024

I'm having trouble understanding why the assertThrown in unit 
test 5 is not behaving in the code below:

ubyte[] decodeBase32(string encoded) {
     import std.string: indexOf, stripRight;

     // Remove padding if present
     encoded = encoded.stripRight("=");

     ubyte[] result;
     size_t bitBuffer = 0;
     int bitBufferLen = 0;

     foreach (char c; encoded) {
         auto index = base32Alphabet.indexOf(c);
         if (index == -1)
             throw new Exception("Invalid character in base32 

         bitBuffer = (bitBuffer << 5) | index;
         bitBufferLen += 5;

         while (bitBufferLen >= 8) {
             bitBufferLen -= 8;
             result ~= cast(ubyte)((bitBuffer >> bitBufferLen) & 

     return result;

unittest {
     import std.algorithm.comparison: equal;
     import std.string: representation;
     import std.stdio: writeln;
     writeln("Testing new implementation:");
     // Test case 1: Basic "Hello world" example
     string encoded = "JBSWY3DPEB3W64TMMQ======";
     auto expected = "Hello world".representation;
     ubyte[] result = decodeBase32(encoded);
     assert(result.equal(expected), "Test case 1 failed: 'Hello 
World' decoding");

     // Test case 2: Empty string should return an empty array
     writeln("Test case 2: Empty string should return an empty 
     encoded = "";
     expected = [];
     result = decodeBase32(encoded);
     assert(result == expected, "Test case 2 failed: Empty string 

     // Test case 3: "foobar" in Base32
     writeln("Test case 3: 'foobar' in Base32");
     encoded = "MZXW6YTBOI======";
     expected = [102, 111, 111, 98, 97, 114]; // "foobar"
     result = decodeBase32(encoded);
     assert(result == expected, "Test case 3 failed: 'foobar' 

     import std.exception: assertThrown;
     // Test case 4: Test with padding in the middle (invalid)
     writeln("Test case 4: Test with padding in the middle 
         "Test case 4 failed: Invalid input with padding in the 
middle should throw");

     // Test case 5: Invalid character in input string
     writeln("Test case 5: Invalid character in input string");
     // '@' is not a valid Base32 character
     try {
         result = decodeBase32("JBSWY3DP at B3W64TMMQ");
     } catch (Exception e) {
         writeln("case 5 passed really..., exception msg was: ", 
     // for some reason the below fails, giving an assert error 
(ie, no exception thrown)
     assertThrown(decodeBase32("JBSWY3DP at B3W64TMMQ"),
         "Test case 5 failed: Invalid character should throw an 

When I compile with unit tests on, I get this output:

Testing new implementation:
Test case 2: Empty string should return an empty array
Test case 3: 'foobar' in Base32
Test case 4: Test with padding in the middle (invalid)
Test case 5: Invalid character in input string
case 5 passed really..., exception msg was: Invalid character in 
base32 string
core.exception.AssertError at src/encoding.d(283): Assertion failure

It seems like assertThrown works as expected for case 4, but 
mysteriously not working for case 5 - despite the code under test 
raising the same exception. Am I missing something stupid here?

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