suggestion: basic SIMD types modelled after Cg/HLSL
cschueler_member at
Wed Jul 12 13:49:14 PDT 2006
Hi list,
I'll throw in a suggestion for extending D when no other worries are left over.
Why not incorporate the 4-way SIMD (single instruction multiple data) vectors,
which are available in hardware by now on virtually every platform, by means of
builtin types in the same syntax as in Cg (Nvidia's C for graphics) resp. HLSL
(high-level shading language).
The rationale should be quite easy: the hardware can do it, so in the same sense
as D is enthusiastic of supporting 80-bit floats, it could as well map these
capapilites to language primitives.
Here is in very compressed form what it currently looks like in Cg.
You can define vectors like this:
float2 a;
float3 b;
float4 c;
matrices like this:
float2x2 A;
float3x4 B;
float4x4 C;
Add/Sub/Mul/Div/Compare and math functions like sqrt(), sin(), exp() etc,
operate element wise. So in Cg
float4 result = a < b;
results in a float4 the elements of which are set to the comparison results of
the individual elemens (0 or 1). (I've seen in the archives one thread of a
discussion that the return type opCmp is fixed to bool so this behavior might
confilct with some existing language spec. Mind however that SIMD compare
capability is very useful for muxing constructs.)
You can swizzle element access:
// put the contents of vector a in swizzled order into x
float4 result = a.xzyw;
Literal constants expand to the vector type of their context, so the constant
"1" may silently propagate to float4(1,1,1,1) if needed:
// will promote to ( a + float4(1,1,1,1) ) / float4(2,2,2,2)
float4 result = ( a + 1 ) / 2;
Of course you can apply a swizzle to a propagated constant
// no syntax error (why should it?)
float4 result = (1).xyzw;
Some intrinsic functions like dot and cross products are available.
Matrix multiplcation is done with mul.
float4 result = mul( matrix, vector );
float3 result = cross( v1, v2 );
That's for the basics. Cg/HLSL is familiar already to a number of people, so in
one scoop, you'd obviate the need for a large number of people (basically the
non-scientific crowd) to write their own matrix/vector classes and give them a
familiar syntax to boot.
I'd envision that a sufficiently endowed compiler could generate code for the
laguage features even if the target platform has no SIMD hardware; much in the
same spirit of a float-emulator when native hardware is not available.
Anyway, these are only points to kick off a discussion. Obvioulsy I'd like D to
move into a direction where it is useful for me (As you may infer from my other
posts :) )
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