suggestion: basic SIMD types modelled after Cg/HLSL
Craig Black
cblack at
Wed Jul 12 16:45:17 PDT 2006
Good ideas. Perhaps it would be easier to integrate Cg/HLSL w/ D so that
they could work well together. Perhaps Cg/HLSL code could be inlined like
assembler. That way the full functionality of these languages could be
leveraged. I don't know how difficult this would be to implement though.
"cschueler" <cschueler_member at> wrote in message
news:e93n8a$27cl$1 at
> Hi list,
> I'll throw in a suggestion for extending D when no other worries are left
> over.
> Why not incorporate the 4-way SIMD (single instruction multiple data)
> vectors,
> which are available in hardware by now on virtually every platform, by
> means of
> builtin types in the same syntax as in Cg (Nvidia's C for graphics) resp.
> (high-level shading language).
> The rationale should be quite easy: the hardware can do it, so in the same
> sense
> as D is enthusiastic of supporting 80-bit floats, it could as well map
> these
> capapilites to language primitives.
> Here is in very compressed form what it currently looks like in Cg.
> You can define vectors like this:
> float2 a;
> float3 b;
> float4 c;
> matrices like this:
> float2x2 A;
> float3x4 B;
> float4x4 C;
> Add/Sub/Mul/Div/Compare and math functions like sqrt(), sin(), exp() etc,
> operate element wise. So in Cg
> float4 result = a < b;
> results in a float4 the elements of which are set to the comparison
> results of
> the individual elemens (0 or 1). (I've seen in the archives one thread of
> a
> discussion that the return type opCmp is fixed to bool so this behavior
> might
> confilct with some existing language spec. Mind however that SIMD compare
> capability is very useful for muxing constructs.)
> You can swizzle element access:
> // put the contents of vector a in swizzled order into x
> float4 result = a.xzyw;
> Literal constants expand to the vector type of their context, so the
> constant
> "1" may silently propagate to float4(1,1,1,1) if needed:
> // will promote to ( a + float4(1,1,1,1) ) / float4(2,2,2,2)
> float4 result = ( a + 1 ) / 2;
> Of course you can apply a swizzle to a propagated constant
> // no syntax error (why should it?)
> float4 result = (1).xyzw;
> Some intrinsic functions like dot and cross products are available.
> Matrix multiplcation is done with mul.
> float4 result = mul( matrix, vector );
> float3 result = cross( v1, v2 );
> That's for the basics. Cg/HLSL is familiar already to a number of people,
> so in
> one scoop, you'd obviate the need for a large number of people (basically
> the
> non-scientific crowd) to write their own matrix/vector classes and give
> them a
> familiar syntax to boot.
> I'd envision that a sufficiently endowed compiler could generate code for
> the
> laguage features even if the target platform has no SIMD hardware; much in
> the
> same spirit of a float-emulator when native hardware is not available.
> Anyway, these are only points to kick off a discussion. Obvioulsy I'd like
> D to
> move into a direction where it is useful for me (As you may infer from my
> other
> posts :) )
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