Give struct the status it deserves
BCS_member at
Sun Mar 26 16:05:36 PST 2006
In article <e07506$1ss2$1 at>, Hasan Aljudy says...
>What's wrong with classes?!
>Classes won't make your code slow.
HA!! I know someone who has done research on exactly that and says that they
make code VARY slow (as in several times slower) I'll talk to him tomorrow and
see if I can get some links to post.
One example of things that make classes slow is that all methods are called by
reference (from object* get vtbl (1), add index (2), load (3) call from ptr(4)
as opposed to call function from incline address)
The other thing is that structs don't have a vtbl in each instance and therefor
can be used to map data to files and hardwear.
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