Getting rid of unnecessary temporary objects in calculations? (Suggestion)

Kristian kjkilpi at
Tue Oct 24 08:35:48 PDT 2006

Lets consider the following:

class Foo {
     Foo clone() {
         Foo ret = new Foo;

         ret.val = val;


     Foo opAdd(Foo Obj) {
         return(clone() += Obj);

     Foo opAddAssign(Foo Obj) {
         val += Obj.val;

     int val;

Usually 'opXxx' and 'opXxxAssign' are closely related: 'a = a + b' <-> 'a  
+= b'. It would be very strange if that were not true.

So, if a class has 'opXxx'/'opXxxAssign' it normally it has also  
'opXxxAssign'/'opXxx', and a clone function.

The compiler could then automatically generate 'opXxx' functions if a  
class has a standard clone operator, e.g. 'opClone'. Of course, you can  
easily mixin the 'opXxx' functions by yourself. But lets consider the  
following next:

     Foo a, b, c, d;

     a = b + c + d;

A temporary object is created here two times. One should be sufficient.

For example, you have a HugeMatrix class you use calculations, it gets  
cloned more than once, which is unnecessary. That can prevent operators to  
be used at all (too much time would be spend on cloning).

What if compiler assumes that the 'opXxx' operators always return  
temporary objects? Then "a = b + c + d;" would be read as:

     a = b.opAdd(c).opAddAssign(d);

That's efficient.

Now, what if we get rid of the 'opXxx' operators altogether?

If a class has 'opClone', then the class is treated as a value type:  
statements are compiled with the 'opClone' and 'opXxxAssignment' operators  
only. For example, "a = b + c + d;" will be read as:

     a = b.opClone().opAddAssign(c).opAddAssign(d);

Then you could always use operators freely and there would be no redundant  
operator functions (e.g. 'opAdd' *and* 'opAddAssign'). Of course, that  
would also enforce 'a = a + b' <-> 'a += b' to be true always, but I think  
so it should be.

And if there will be a copy/clone operator, lets say '<-', then

     a <- b;
     a <- b + c;

would be, of course, read as:

     a <- b;     //== a = b.opClone();
     a = b + c;  //== a = b.opClone().opAddAssign(c);

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