D programming language

John Reimer terminal.node at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 21:10:54 PDT 2006

On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 15:20:07 -0700, clayasaurus <clayasaurus at gmail.com>  

> Fredrik Olsson wrote:
>> Go to this page: http://developer.apple.com/leopard/overview/index.html
>>  And search for: "D programming language".
>>   I am pretty sure it is not our beloved D they are talking about. And  
>> I also think /the other D/ will probably get more press, and sooner.
>>  Branding problem? Google hits? Etc?
>>  I still think that "Mars D" could be a more unique name.
>>   // Fredrik Olsson
> Maybe it will boost our tiobe index ratings :)

Oh... man, you might be just right about that...

dtrace does show up on google now and again... maybe we are getting some  
false highs there?


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