DSSS, Dsource, and cpan
eao197 at intervale.ru
Wed Apr 11 02:14:03 PDT 2007
On Wed, 11 Apr 2007 10:40:10 +0400, Walter Bright
<newshound1 at digitalmars.com> wrote:
> I.e., can we change dsource so that there are two kinds of projects:
> 1) Projects that are not certified, and
> 2) Projects that are certified
I think certification should be optional and not certified projects should
not be seen as second-class projects in comparision with certified
(first-class) projects.
A live example is RubyGems at RubyForge -- there isn't any certification
and RubyForge's RubyGems archive works. And that is fine because RubyForge
hosts Gems from (at least) 1500 projects [1] and new projects start almost
every day [2]. It is hard to imagine that someone tries to certificate
part of those projects and their different versions. I have several my
projects on RubyForge and one of them can pass its unit-test only in
special environment. That project can't pass automatic certification
procedure based on unit-tests, but it works.
So I don't think manual certification will possible if DSource starts host
a big amount of projects comparable with RubyForge and CPAN.
Ddoc documentation may be important for some kind of projects, like
libraries. But for other types it simply doesn't matter. DSSS is a good
example -- I don't want to look into its code, but I wish to have advanced
documentaion. In some cases such documentation can't be produced by ddoc
and needs other tools (like LaTeX, DocBook, DocUtils and ReStructuredText,
etc). And for checking quality of documentation a manual certification
required. But see above :(
> Boost, another successful library repository, also adds on peer review.
> Perhaps in the future, as our user base grows, we can add another layer
> of certification for projects that pass peer review.
Boost is a different beast. Boost pretends to be a big library with all
its parts coupled together. And each part will be available to user
'out-of-box' after installing Boost (AFAIK there is a special tool, bcp,
which can be used to extract only necessary part of Boost, but it seems
that bcp don't used widely). And in C++ there are some other factors like
compiler (one may have VC++7.1, VC++8.0 and MinGW C++ installed at the
same time and for each compiler Boost must be compiled separately) and
different compilation modes (dll/lib, static/shared RTL). So inclusion of
new library in Boost via review is a righteous approach for Boost.
And yet another difference: Boost is a collection of _libraries_. Not all
projects at DSource are libraries now and not all will be in future.
So I don't think certification on DSource is a good thing. There are other
resources which can be used for such rating/review. Ohloh [3] for example.
[1] http://gems.rubyforge.org/stats.html
[2] http://rubyforge.org/ (sections 'GForge Stats' and 'Recently
Registered Projects')
[3] http://www.ohloh.net
PS. Excuse me for my poor English, I'm just learning.
Yauheni Akhotnikau
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