DSSS, Dsource, and cpan
Walter Bright
newshound1 at digitalmars.com
Wed Apr 11 02:27:43 PDT 2007
eao197 wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2007 10:40:10 +0400, Walter Bright
> <newshound1 at digitalmars.com> wrote:
>> I.e., can we change dsource so that there are two kinds of projects:
>> 1) Projects that are not certified, and
>> 2) Projects that are certified
> I think certification should be optional and not certified projects
> should not be seen as second-class projects in comparision with
> certified (first-class) projects.
In any repository of projects, there's going to be a very wide range of
quality. There are going to be first rate projects, second rate ones,
and third rate ones. If a new D user takes a look at dsource, is there
any way he can tell the difference without a large investment of his time?
There are other ways to rank projects besides a certification process.
One could be like the 'digg' system where registered users can do a
thumbs up or thumbs down on a particular project. Then, the new D user
can just look at highly rated ones if he chooses.
A variation on that would be where certain annointed moderators give the
> A live example is RubyGems at RubyForge -- there isn't any certification
> and RubyForge's RubyGems archive works. And that is fine because
> RubyForge hosts Gems from (at least) 1500 projects [1] and new projects
> start almost every day [2]. It is hard to imagine that someone tries to
> certificate part of those projects and their different versions. I have
> several my projects on RubyForge and one of them can pass its unit-test
> only in special environment. That project can't pass automatic
> certification procedure based on unit-tests, but it works.
> So I don't think manual certification will possible if DSource starts
> host a big amount of projects comparable with RubyForge and CPAN.
That is a good point. But that's why uncertified projects wouldn't be
excluded from the system - it's just that certified ones meet certain
requirements. Certainly, there can be good ones that cannot meet the
> Ddoc documentation may be important for some kind of projects, like
> libraries. But for other types it simply doesn't matter. DSSS is a good
> example -- I don't want to look into its code, but I wish to have
> advanced documentaion. In some cases such documentation can't be
> produced by ddoc and needs other tools (like LaTeX, DocBook, DocUtils
> and ReStructuredText, etc). And for checking quality of documentation a
> manual certification required. But see above :(
You're right in the case of non-libraries. But I think the ddoc
requirement should apply to libraries.
>> Boost, another successful library repository, also adds on peer
>> review. Perhaps in the future, as our user base grows, we can add
>> another layer of certification for projects that pass peer review.
> Boost is a different beast. Boost pretends to be a big library with all
> its parts coupled together. And each part will be available to user
> 'out-of-box' after installing Boost (AFAIK there is a special tool, bcp,
> which can be used to extract only necessary part of Boost, but it seems
> that bcp don't used widely). And in C++ there are some other factors
> like compiler (one may have VC++7.1, VC++8.0 and MinGW C++ installed at
> the same time and for each compiler Boost must be compiled separately)
> and different compilation modes (dll/lib, static/shared RTL). So
> inclusion of new library in Boost via review is a righteous approach for
> Boost.
> And yet another difference: Boost is a collection of _libraries_. Not
> all projects at DSource are libraries now and not all will be in future.
I agree. Perhaps the certification process should only be applied to
libraries. The Boost peer review does have a somewhat different agenda,
I was just referring to the part of its agenda where the Boost libraries
have to pass a certain level of quality. I think that could be a very
valuable filter for someone looking for the best of the best D libraries.
> So I don't think certification on DSource is a good thing. There are
> other resources which can be used for such rating/review. Ohloh [3] for
> example.
> [1] http://gems.rubyforge.org/stats.html
> [2] http://rubyforge.org/ (sections 'GForge Stats' and 'Recently
> Registered Projects')
> [3] http://www.ohloh.net
> PS. Excuse me for my poor English, I'm just learning.
Your english is excellent. No apologies are necessary.
> --Regards,
> Yauheni Akhotnikau
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