seeding the pot for 2.0 features
ao at
Tue Jan 23 13:49:17 PST 2007
Now that the big 1.0 is out, I think that we should start considering what
to put into 2.0. I don't think we need to rush anything into D yet, but maybe
we should start accumulating a list of things to consider.
One overall thought I had is that it seems the big killer for C++ was to
some extent that it is a strict superset of C. Maybe we should avoid this
problem and not requiter that D2.0 be backwards compatible at the source
level, but only at the ABI level sort of like C and D are now. Anyway, just
a thought.
Here are a few of my ideas for 2.0.
1) Modules structs and classes can have static this() functions, why functions?
If a static nested constructor were allowed for functions, it would allow
static function variable to be initialized at load time.
2) Why is there no tupleof property for interfaces? It would allow for some
intriguing possibilities.
interface I{...}
class C : I
mixin ImpInterface!(I);
template ImpInterface(T)
mixin ImpInterface_!(T.tupleof);
private ImpInterface_(F, V...)
mixin Implement!(F)
static if(V.length > 0
mixin ImpInterface_!(V);
3) promote static foreach to the same level as static if. This with #2 could
be reel slick.
template ImpInterface(T)
static foreach(F; T.tupleof);
F // assumes that F is a function
// including name and everything
// implement F
4) I guess that also needs a "implementable function alias". The syntax,
not to mention the name, could ues a little work, but I expect you get the
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