Qt and KDELibs for D?
Jascha Wetzel
"[firstname]" at mainia.de
Mon Jan 29 08:16:22 PST 2007
afaik, most of the preprocessor magic is to create a decent signal/slot
mechanism. slots get indexed in order of appearence and an implicitly
generated function "invoke" dispatches calls with these indeces.
Qt relies on C++ linkage to access these invoke/emit (and other) functions.
to properly pass the Qt framework calls to D delegates, an intermediate
C++ object would have to be generated for each D widget, i guess.
on the other hand, the fact that trolltech laid down a lot of action to
create this signal/slot thing, they should be tempted to port their
whole framework to D ;)
just jeff wrote:
> Firstly, is anybody working on Qt bindings for D? If so, the rest of
> this message is probably irrelevant and can safely be ignored. But
> continuing under the assumption that nobody is... :P
> I'm wondering what would be involved in a project like that. Has anybody
> looked into hooking into C++ libraries enough to know what would be the
> best plan of attack? (And for Qt in particular, I hear it uses some
> custom pre-processor magic on top of the standard C++ one; is this
> right, and is this likely to be a huge problem?)
> Qt Jambi
> (http://doc.trolltech.com/qtjambi-1.0/com/trolltech/qt/qtjambi-index.html)
> seems to be doing a similar thing for Java, so I presume they got over
> any problems with multiple inheritance. What other major problems would
> there be?
> Any random thoughts appreciated.
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