create digitalmars.D.moderated ??

Robert Fraser fraserofthenight at
Tue Nov 20 07:34:43 PST 2007

Walter Bright wrote:
> It's been proposed that a new newsgroup be created, 
> digitalmars.D.moderated. It would work like moderated newsgroups on 
> usenet do, such as comp.lang.c++.moderated. There would be 3 or 4 
> volunteer moderators (not me), who would disallow posts that were 
> off-topic, me too, spam, lacked content, or contained personal attacks. 
> Ideally, the moderated group would set the bar for the quality of the 
> messages.
> The original newsgroups will remain as the free-for-all wild west that 
> makes them both fun and perhaps a little intimidating for some. While I 
> like the wild west approach, many others clearly find it uncomfortable.

Hmmm... honestly, I'm against the idea. If there was a lot of spam, I 
can see the value; however I believe it will simply serve to reduce 
discussion throughput and split discussions, as well as force users to 
check two different groups. Plus, it gets down to the question of what's 
really "on topic," and could easily cause more animosity than it 
prevents (and as mentioned in the digitalmars.D.tango discussion, create 
an "us vs. them" mentality).

While occasionally threads here do degenerate into personal attacks, it 
seems pretty rare, and even the Phango thread didn't turn into an 
all-out flame war. But then again, I haven't really been around long 
enough to say much.

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