create digitalmars.D.moderated ??
Lars Noschinski
lars-2006-1 at
Tue Nov 20 09:56:34 PST 2007
* Robert Fraser <fraserofthenight at> [07-11-20 16:34]:
>Walter Bright wrote:
>Hmmm... honestly, I'm against the idea. If there was a lot of spam, I can see
>the value; however I believe it will simply serve to reduce discussion
>throughput and split discussions, as well as force users to check two different
>groups. Plus, it gets down to the question of what's really "on topic," and
>could easily cause more animosity than it prevents (and as mentioned in the
>digitalmars.D.tango discussion, create an "us vs. them" mentality).
I'd like to second that.
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