create digitalmars.D.moderated ??
Sean Kelly
sean at
Tue Nov 20 10:20:52 PST 2007
Robert Fraser wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> It's been proposed that a new newsgroup be created,
>> digitalmars.D.moderated. It would work like moderated newsgroups on
>> usenet do, such as comp.lang.c++.moderated. There would be 3 or 4
>> volunteer moderators (not me), who would disallow posts that were
>> off-topic, me too, spam, lacked content, or contained personal
>> attacks. Ideally, the moderated group would set the bar for the
>> quality of the messages.
>> The original newsgroups will remain as the free-for-all wild west that
>> makes them both fun and perhaps a little intimidating for some. While
>> I like the wild west approach, many others clearly find it uncomfortable.
> Hmmm... honestly, I'm against the idea. If there was a lot of spam, I
> can see the value; however I believe it will simply serve to reduce
> discussion throughput and split discussions, as well as force users to
> check two different groups. Plus, it gets down to the question of what's
> really "on topic," and could easily cause more animosity than it
> prevents (and as mentioned in the digitalmars.D.tango discussion, create
> an "us vs. them" mentality).
It's not this way at all with comp.lang.c++. Generally, the moderated
forum serves both as a both a place to ask questions of and to discuss
language issues and more complex theoretical topics while the
un-moderated forum is for newbie type questions and more general
discussion. In your support however, since D already has a 'learn'
newsgroup, it may be that the un-moderated forum would really turn into
more of an advocacy group. That said, I like moderated forums because
the signal to noise ratio is typically much higher, and thus helps
pre-filter discussion for those with little free time (such as myself).
As for issues regarding what is "on topic," the rules used by other
moderated forums would be a useful and simple guide to follow. In my
mind, the real issue is whether this community has people with the
dedication to actually do the moderation.
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