The Matrix to end all Matrix classes (Let's dream!)
t_demmer at
Tue Nov 20 23:23:42 PST 2007
Bill Baxter Wrote:
> > The third case could probably in most cases be left out,
> I implemented the third case in Murray (nee MultiArray)
> Mainly because I originally wanted an easy way port my NumPy code to D.
> But I have to agree that after spending a lot of time on it, I would go
> with #2 if I were starting over. Fix the number of dimensions at
> compile time.
> > but the first
> > two make an interesting separation. Knowing the size at compile time is
> > mostly an advantage for smaller matrices (eg 4x4, as commonly used for
> > geometric translations). Larger matrices (eg 1000x1000) probably gain
> > much less from compile time known sizes. There is also the matter of
> > template bloat that means that compile time quantities are best left to
> > the smaller numbers.
> For #1, I've never had a need for anything besides 2x2,3x3,4x4. Maybe
> occasionally things like 2x3 to represent affine transformations, but
> then interpretation starts getting in the way. You can't handle it like
> a generic 2x3 matrix. So to me for the compile time size case, you can
> pretty much get by with just a fixed set of classes. Of course if you
> can generate those efficiently from a big template, then that's great.
> But there are usually a lot of special cases. If you look at a
> geometry-oriented linalg lib like Helix you can find many little
> differences in the API between Matrix22 and Matrix33. They can be taken
> care of with static ifs, but the question is if the loss of readability
> it's worth it in the end.
In 2D Finite Elements some other fixed size small arrays are common, 6x6, 9x9,
depending on the type of elements you use, also some non-square ones.
> >> 4. For storage we need packed, triangular, symmetric, banded, and sparse
> >> matrix support. (Possibly even 'calculated' matrix support, for
> >> user-defined matrix types which generate entries on-demand).
> >
> > For generality, at least sparse (and possibly calculated) are useful for
> > vectors and higher dimensional arrays too.
> >
> >> 5. Can be generalized to tensors.
> Numbers 4 and 5 are a bit conflicting. There is no "triangular storage"
> for anything other than 2-D arrays. Same goes for the commonly used
> compressed matrix formats: they are 2D-specific.
Well, that becomes something like "pyramidal" structure in 3D.
They are quite common in 3D partial differential equations, like
Laplace solvers, or in Fluid Mechanics.
> Convenient usage for linear algebra also suggests that opMul should do
> linear algebraic multiplication, but that doesn't make sense for
> tensors. Changing opMul to do different things depending on the
> dimension seems inconsistent.
For Tensors we'd need something like ., :, and x, dot product, double dot
product and cross product. It may seem inconsistent, but it is math :-)
> My feeling is that the generic N-D array concept needs to be separated
> from the linear algebra concepts.
> However, I think all these needs can be accommodated by layering things
> appropriately.
> first Storage
> then N-D array using some specific storage
> then Matrix using 2-D array, and Vector using 1-D array.
> Implementations of the storage concept can be dimension-specific (like
> CCS sparse), or generic (like strided memory).
> N-D array will have only operators that make sense for N-D arrays
> without reference to specific interpretations. So opMul would be
> element-wise multiplication if anything.
> Matrix and Vector can implement the linear algebraic rules.
> > Yet I'm not convinced that it's impossible. What are the other
> >> requirements?
> >
> > Naturally, different element types (as well UDT).
> I think the UDT part in particular is difficult to do well without
> reference return values. Even now I think with a complex matrix you
> have the problem that you can't set the real part of an element using
> opIndexAssign:
> mat[3,2].re = 5. // oops you just set the real part of a copy!
> Or for increment for any type of matrix (+= 1.0). But that's old news.
> I think you can achieve something decent using current D, but the syntax
> will not be ideal. And doing all the above will be a very large effort.
> I started collecting a list of possible libraries to draw inspiration
> from over at the Murray forum:
> --bb
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