The Matrix to end all Matrix classes (Let's dream!)
Bill Baxter
dnewsgroup at
Tue Nov 20 23:49:51 PST 2007
TomD wrote:
> Bill Baxter Wrote:
> [...]
>>> The third case could probably in most cases be left out,
>> I implemented the third case in Murray (nee MultiArray)
>> Mainly because I originally wanted an easy way port my NumPy code to D.
>> But I have to agree that after spending a lot of time on it, I would go
>> with #2 if I were starting over. Fix the number of dimensions at
>> compile time.
>>> but the first
>>> two make an interesting separation. Knowing the size at compile time is
>>> mostly an advantage for smaller matrices (eg 4x4, as commonly used for
>>> geometric translations). Larger matrices (eg 1000x1000) probably gain
>>> much less from compile time known sizes. There is also the matter of
>>> template bloat that means that compile time quantities are best left to
>>> the smaller numbers.
>> For #1, I've never had a need for anything besides 2x2,3x3,4x4. Maybe
>> occasionally things like 2x3 to represent affine transformations, but
>> then interpretation starts getting in the way. You can't handle it like
>> a generic 2x3 matrix. So to me for the compile time size case, you can
>> pretty much get by with just a fixed set of classes. Of course if you
>> can generate those efficiently from a big template, then that's great.
>> But there are usually a lot of special cases. If you look at a
>> geometry-oriented linalg lib like Helix you can find many little
>> differences in the API between Matrix22 and Matrix33. They can be taken
>> care of with static ifs, but the question is if the loss of readability
>> it's worth it in the end.
> In 2D Finite Elements some other fixed size small arrays are common, 6x6, 9x9,
> depending on the type of elements you use, also some non-square ones.
And wouldn't you know it. Right after I wrote that I sat down and
started working on some code where I really needed 2x3 matrices. Doh!
I guess I just never noticed needing them before.
> [...]
>>>> 4. For storage we need packed, triangular, symmetric, banded, and sparse
>>>> matrix support. (Possibly even 'calculated' matrix support, for
>>>> user-defined matrix types which generate entries on-demand).
>>> For generality, at least sparse (and possibly calculated) are useful for
>>> vectors and higher dimensional arrays too.
>> >
>>>> 5. Can be generalized to tensors.
>> Numbers 4 and 5 are a bit conflicting. There is no "triangular storage"
>> for anything other than 2-D arrays. Same goes for the commonly used
>> compressed matrix formats: they are 2D-specific.
> Well, that becomes something like "pyramidal" structure in 3D.
> They are quite common in 3D partial differential equations, like
> Laplace solvers, or in Fluid Mechanics.
>> Convenient usage for linear algebra also suggests that opMul should do
>> linear algebraic multiplication, but that doesn't make sense for
>> tensors. Changing opMul to do different things depending on the
>> dimension seems inconsistent.
> For Tensors we'd need something like ., :, and x, dot product, double dot
> product and cross product. It may seem inconsistent, but it is math :-)
So the thing to do seems to be to have different wrappers for the
underlying storage methods that expose different operations.
Or just different sets of functions that treat the storage in different
ways.,, ...
It's quite a large software engineering problem. But I'm looking
forward to the day when Don is done writing it. :-)
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