The Death of D. (Was Tango vs Phobos)

Lars Ivar Igesund larsivar at
Fri Aug 15 10:17:02 PDT 2008

bobef wrote:

> Anyway. In my opinion it comes down to greed cause no one is stealing
> anything. Just some people are not willing to share although they are not
> losing anything. And to lose something you must own it. So you can't lose
> a million dollars of sales because you haven't sold anything in the first
> place. If authors were more conscious (less greedy) they would share
> because if the users were more conscious (less living in a society where
> everyone wants to *make you* pay for something) they would show gratitude
> by paying.

So in effect you are saying that software developers expecting to live of it
are silly, because the rest in general are dishonest?

Lars Ivar Igesund
blog at
DSource, #d.tango & #D: larsivi
Dancing the Tango

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