The Death of D. (Was Tango vs Phobos)

bobef bobef at
Fri Aug 15 12:17:58 PDT 2008

Lars Ivar Igesund Wrote:

> bobef wrote:
> > Anyway. In my opinion it comes down to greed cause no one is stealing
> > anything. Just some people are not willing to share although they are not
> > losing anything. And to lose something you must own it. So you can't lose
> > a million dollars of sales because you haven't sold anything in the first
> > place. If authors were more conscious (less greedy) they would share
> > because if the users were more conscious (less living in a society where
> > everyone wants to *make you* pay for something) they would show gratitude
> > by paying.
> So in effect you are saying that software developers expecting to live of it
> are silly, because the rest in general are dishonest?

Haha. I didn't say they are silly. But it is a fact that people in general are dishonest so it becomes harder (as many other things) :) I am saying that developers need to adapt. If they treat software as chairs they may fail to live of their work. I am developer and I live (mostly) of it so it still possible.

Dishonest or not this is not stealing. It sucks if you make a lot of effort for something and nobody buys it, I know. But fist of all examine the quality of what you are selling. People are not buying effort but results. Then if you think (I don't mean personally you) you are selling a good product and people are still pirating it, then the dishonesty could be the case. And then the one who did the effort becomes emotional and all of that, but at the end everyone should be happy, because at least one of the parties got something (without depriving the other party of anything). It is better for someone to make use of the work, although he didn't buy it, than neither using it nor buying it.

And the important point that is somehow related to the topic: this licensing stuff IMO is waste of time. Nobody can blame Phobos/Tango for stealing because nothing is stolen. But I think Walter has point about corporate lawyers and all of that, because these people care only about the money, not about the logic about stealing or not stealing. Lol.


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