Why Strings as Classes?
super at dan.org
Mon Aug 25 18:25:56 PDT 2008
Benji Smith Wrote:
> superdan wrote:
> > Benji Smith Wrote:
> >
> >> BCS wrote:
> >>> Ditto, D is a *systems language* It's *supposed* to have access to the
> >>> lowest level representation and build stuff on top of that
> >> But in this "systems language", it's a O(n) operation to get the nth
> >> character from a string, to slice a string based on character offsets,
> >> or to determine the number of characters in the string.
> >>
> >> I'd gladly pay the price of a single interface vtable lookup to turn all
> >> of those into O(1) operations.
> >
> > dood. i dunno where to start. allow me to answer from multiple angles.
> >
> > 1. when was the last time looking up one char in a string or computing length was your bottleneck.
> >
> > 2. you talk as if o(1) happens by magic that d currently disallows.
> >
> > 3. maybe i don't want to blow the size of my string by a factor of 4 if i'm just interested in some occasional character search.
> >
> > 4. implement all that nice stuff you wanna. nobody put a gun to yer head not to. understand you can't put a gun to my head to pay the price.
> Geez, man, you just keep missing the point, over and over again.
relax. believe me i'm tryin', maybe you could put it a better way and meet me in the middle.
> Let me make one point, blisteringly clear: I don't give a shit about the
> data format. You want the fastest strings in the universe,
> implemented with zero-byte magic beans and burned into the local ROM.
> Fantastic! I'm completely in favor of it.
so far so good.
> Presumably. people will be so into those strings that they'll write a
> shitload of functionality for them. Parsing, searching, sorting,
> indexing... the motherload.
> One day, I come along, and I'd like to perform some text processing. But
> all of my string data comes from non-magic-beans data sources. I'd like
> to implement a new kind of string class that supports my data. I'm not
> going to push my super-slow string class on anybody else, because I know
> how concerned with performance you are.
i'm in nirvana.
> But check this out... you can have your fast class, and I can have my
> slow class, and they can both implement the same interface. Like this:
> interface CharSequence {
> int find(CharSequence needle);
> int rfind(CharSequence needle);
> // ...
> }
> class ZeroByteFastMagicString : CharSequence {
> // ...
> }
> class SuperSlowStoneTabletString : CharSequence {
> // ...
> }
> Now we can both use the same string functions. Just by implementing an
> interface, I can use the same text-processing as your
> hyper-compiler-optimized builtin arrays.
but maestro. the interface call is already what's costing.
> But only if the interface exists.
> And only if library authors write their text-processing code against
> that interface.
> That's the point.
then there was none. sorry.
> A good API allows multiple implementations to make use of the same
> algorithms. Application authors can choose their own tradeoffs between
> speed, memory consumption, and functionality.
> A rigid builtin implementation, with no interface definition, locks
> everybody into the same choices.
no. this is just wrong. perfectly backwards in fact. a low-level builtin allows unbounded architectures with control over efficiency.
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