Unofficial wish list status.(Jul 2008)
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Tue Jul 22 10:28:21 PDT 2008
Walter Bright Wrote:
> Sean Kelly wrote:
> > Walter Bright wrote:
> >> But, you said you didn't wish to mix functional and imperative
> >> programming? I don't understand.
> >
> > Not in the same language. One reason being the impact it will have on
> > managing projects in D. C++, for example, supports a sufficiently
> > diverse set of programming methodologies that large projects in it tend
> > to be a mess.
> I agree that diverse paradigm support can lead to a mess.
that's like agreeing that ice cream consumption can lead to auto theft. what a heap of bullshit that is.
correlation is not causation. if we go by any reasonable train of thought, we'd see that c++ being multiparadigm is an advantage not an issue. people have written articles and books about how cool that is. they haven't written articles and books about what is sinking c++: the fucking syntax (bjarne is ok at a high level but he can't design syntax to save his life from a tribe of fucking horny and hungry gay cannibals); the shittiest exception model in the history of humankind (statically specified but dynamically-checked... worst of all worlds... what the fuck were they thinking about? shit); useless namespaces (what a useless pile of pigshit that whole feature is... and they can't even blame it to C... it was designed from scratch!); the template subsystem that is too much heat and smoke for the light; and a fucking million minor wounds, starting with "class" vs. "struct" shit and ending with copying at the drop of a hat.
> On the other
> hand, to be a mainstream language I think one must support diverse
> paradigms because programmers are diverse. Additionally, nobody really
> knows yet which horse is the right one to back for multicore
> programming, but functional certainly is a favorite.
> I disagree that using multiple languages for one project is a good idea,
> unless one language is hosted by the other (like emacs/elisp). Trying to
> get two languages produced by different vendors to consistently work
> together across platforms and differing upgrade schedules can be a
> prescription for a lot of extra work. Is learning two different
> languages really easier than learning two different paradigms in the
> same language?
looks like you haven't used unix much. a large project, even when developed by competent programmers acting on their free will, will inevitably use at least a few dsls (make, shell) in addition to one or more mainstream languages. why? because it's the best way. a n00b shouts foul when seeing a 5000 lines makefile or shell config or whatever. but they forget that manages a project that's a thousand times larger.
> > Regarding the D mixed functional / imperative approach, another issue I
> > have with it is that it's exactly the reverse of the Erlang / C model.
> > While Erlang / C is functional for control structures and imperative for
> > optimization points, D looks like it will be imperative for control and
> > functional for optimization. Plus, I really like the concurrency model
> > in Erlang.
> A side note: Everyone complains about feature bloat in Microsoft Word.
> What the world needs is a lean, mean word processor. But the problem is,
> customer Bill says: "That's great, but I need feature #543. Not having
> it is a deal breaker for me." Customer Sue says: "I'd buy the lean &
> mean one, but I need feature #1678. Everything I do is based on that."
> And so on. Feature creep is the result of inexorable and unrelenting
> pressure for them.
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