why Unix?

Ralf Schneider lists at gestaltgeber.com
Tue Apr 7 13:12:07 PDT 2009

> Well at least you've got to make up your mind. It's amazing how you 
> mention instability in three instances and stagnation in two instances, 
> without ever noticing the irony. What's happening?

Instability: Red hat crashes most often. AIX, Solaris and HP-UX just 
run. Windows crashes sometimes. (Very personal observation, of course)

Instable APIs: POSIX is stable. Most other *NIX APIs regarding Audio, 
GUI, Graphics and others are constantly changing, with very little 
visible progress. What is not covered by POSIX is different on ever Unix 
flavour: Hot do you get the peak virtual memory usage on AIX, Linux and 
Windows: APIs are usually stable. New APIs with new concepts are 
introduced beside existsing APIs. Yes there is a lot of cruft. And 
windows is defintetly not "perfect"!!! In no way!
It just sucks less (TM)

Stagnation: On *NIX: same (command line) tools, same concepts 
(everything is a file) as decades ago. New ideas are usually copied 
badly from Apple or Windows years later.

So, again: As a desktop and programming environment I prefer Windows. 
May be I would prefer OS X if I knew it.

As a server: I would use and suggest UNIX. May be even Red Hat is OK and 
the crashes we experience is a temporary problem and are hardware related.

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