Scala future, Sing#
bearophileHUGS at
Sat Aug 22 18:34:33 PDT 2009
As Sing# ( ) and Chapel, Scala is one of the languages to be followed more, because they share some of future purposes of D2/D3.
A small presentation about the close future of Scala (it's not a general introduction to Scala):
"Scala -- The Next 5 Years" by Martin Odersky:
Sing# has a complex and advanced core, and I haven't found good tutorials about it. I have found a confusing document about Spec#, that's a limited father of Sing#. I think the only significant improvement of Spec# over D2 is that Spec# contains a kind of inference engine that probably processes/uses contracts and class invariants quite better than D2 (probably in a similar way to Eiffel):
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