Scala future, Sing#
Jari-Matti Mäkelä
jmjmak at
Mon Aug 24 03:53:04 PDT 2009
bearophile wrote:
> As Sing# ( ) and Chapel, Scala is
> one of the languages to be followed more, because they share some of
> future purposes of D2/D3.
> A small presentation about the close future of Scala (it's not a general
> introduction to Scala): "Scala -- The Next 5 Years" by Martin Odersky:
Scala is an impressive language and overall well designed. There are
certainly truckloads of features that could be taken from Scala to D. But
I'm afraid that the desire to have familiarity and compatibility with the
C/C++ family is more important in this community than cool new functional
features. Here's a quick comparison of some factors:
- community: From what I've gathered, the Scala community mostly consists of
much more experienced computer scientists and programmers (I don't mean
industrial boiler-plate experience but experience with different kinds of
languages, PL concepts and e.g. sound argumentation). These programmers
aren't afraid of radical new ideas if it helps every day coding. These guys
hate unorthogonality and love rigorous definition of semantics. They also
want to discuss language issues and unlike Walter, Odersky doesn't lurk
silently when important things are being discussed. This is a huge ++ to the
PR. He also welcomes academics and doesn't ask them to go back to their
ivory tower like most in D's community do. I understand embracing the
industry, too, but it hasn't brought much money to D's development yet.
- bloat: Scala is more lightweight. I've heard Walter say that he doesn't
like e.g. library defined control structures - it's double-edged sword, and
D and Scala have taken different paths here (in D if something is commonly
used and it can be made built-in, it will be added to the compiler, in Scala
it's the opposite). Scala has a very lightweight language core, and many
additional features are defined in libraries. Several optimizations that
improve the performance of HOFs are already known, but the compiler and
virtual machine are not yet as good as they can be. In theory a good
supercompiler can make Scala as fast as D. I personally find it funny that
the meta-programming features in D are perfect for shrinking the language
core, but every year new features still keep creeping it.
- dynamics: Scala is more dynamic (reflection, class loaders etc.) Thanks to
- OOP: Scala supports dynamic OOP optimizations unlike D (unless a VM is
used). Thanks to the JIT compiler. The new 2.8 supports new static
optimizations similar to what C++ & D have had.
- syntax: Scala has a consistent and orthogonal syntax. Syntactic sugar is
used sparingly and when it's being used, it shaves off boilerplate quite a
* e.g. (_._2 * _._1) is something like (tuple a, tuple b) { return a(1) *
b(0); } in D.. I leave the definition of the tuple type as an exercise to
the reader.
* (A => B) => (C => D) vs (B function(A)) function (D function(C))
* case class foo(val a: Int, var b: String) is somewhere between 10-30 LOC
in D
* In D syntactic sugar often saves only a couple of characters (like the
new template T!X syntax)
- modularity & types: Scala supports modularity much better IMO (pure OOP,
self types etc.). The abstractions are well suited for most tasks. But this
is a bit hard to compare objectively.
- high level features: Scala unifies OOP and FP. It also has novel new OOP
- low level features: D wins here, OTOH a low level language isn't good for
e.g. sandboxed environments
- memory management: the JVM's GC is pretty mature, but of course manual
memory management isn't as easy as in D
- compatibility: D wins (?) here if C/C++ compatibility is important, but
Scala is compatible with the large existing code base of Java, though
- bugs: IMHO the unspecified parts of D and the huge amount of bugs made it
unusable for me. Luckily I found Scala and have been really happy with it.
I've only found maybe 1-2 bugs in it during the last 1.5 years. I usually
find about 5-10 bugs in DMD in 15 minutes after coming back to D. And I'm
also so happy to find that thanks to authors' knowledge of type systems
(dependent types, HM, System F, etc.) Scala is a genius at inferring types.
D doesn't really have a clue. Especially the array literal type inference is
really naive.
- to summarize: I use Scala for high level tasks, and came back to D when I
need to see the actual machine code and optimize some tight inner loop. D is
sometimes more suitable for this than C/C++ since it has a bit saner syntax
and high level abstractions. But in general I nowadays write 90% of my code
in Scala. I'm much happier and more productive writing Scala. YMMV
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