Any chance to call Tango as Extended Standard Library

Bill Baxter wbaxter at
Sun Jan 18 23:35:54 PST 2009

On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Yigal Chripun <yigal100 at> wrote:
> Christopher Wright wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Yigal Chripun wrote:
>>>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>>>> Lars Ivar Igesund wrote:
>>>>>> toe() ?! tail() good, rear() not so good, toe() sucks.
>>>>> tail() is no good because it has a well-established meaning in
>>>>> programming of being everything but the first element of a list. I just
>>>>> didn't like rear(), as it is not normally thought of as the opposite of
>>>>> head().
>>>> What was the reason for the use of body parts in the first place?
>>>> What's wrong with:
>>>> a) begin, end
>>>> b) start, finish
>>>> c) initial, final
>>>> d) first, last
>>>> etc...
>>> There doesn't really need to be anything wrong with them. What's wrong
>>> with head/toe?
>> It sounds stupid.
> it sounds stupid and is uninformative. for example,
> auto cars = new BinaryTree!(Car)();
> auto a = cars.toe;
> auto b = cars.last;
> now, reading the above, what's the toe of cars? that's just silly.
> Does this make sense to English speakers? most likly. but for say, chinese?
> I don't know.
> instead of inveting terms than imply something based on some phrase that not
> all non-native English speakers will recognize, it is far better to just use
> the proper English term for the last item - "last". KISS solution.

Hmm, what *is* the problem with first/last?  I seem to remember there
was something against it but I think that was when the semantics were
slightly different and .last was going to mean one past the end.
Current docs make it looks like it .toe does mean the last element
itself, not the one just past.


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