Compiled dmd2.032 in VC++ 2009!

Don nospam at
Tue Sep 8 08:26:30 PDT 2009

bearophile wrote:
> Don:
>> I think that even DMD should be using a 128-bit emulator for 
>> internal constants, regardless of the machine precision.
> Can you tell me why?
> (Note: LDC supports 128 bit integers too. Maybe even 128 bit floating points).

Because it'd be nice if the language gave a guarantee for how much 
precision is used in literals. The more of those machine-specific things 
can be removed, the better.

>> the compiler should not depend on NaNs being handled correctly in the 
>> C++ compiler.
> By "C++ compiler" do you mean the back-end? I think GCC, LLVM, ICC and DMD support NaNs well enough (LLVM supports signaling NaNs too, they say me).

No. I meant the constant folding which the compiler performs. If you 
write (a==b) in the compiler source code, does it work correctly if a or 
b is a NaN ?

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