What's the problem in opensourcing htod?

Mariusz Gliwiński alienballance at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 14:28:07 PST 2010

Dnia wtorek 21 grudzień 2010 o 23:08:34 Jonathan M Davis napisał(a):
> On Tuesday, December 21, 2010 13:58:02 Mariusz Gliwiński wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Why don't You make htod opensource? I don't think it has commercial
> > potential, or I'm wrong? I'm asking, because it's a shame that people who
> > wants publish D bindings have to make their own scripts for that (so
> > bindings can be generated on !windows too).
> > If there are no chances for getting htod, maybe someone know decent
> > binding generators (scripting languages preferred)? The ones, which I've
> > been using are too bad (i.e. stripping out const from various places).
> Just so you know, htod works on wine.
I know, but it's still not correct way to treat developers that are working 
with you on multiplatform project. That's why I'm searching for multiplatform 
solution. It's not like i am going to design by hack, at least starting point 
shouldn't force people to emulate other emulating system for updating 

Mariusz Gliwiński
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