i like cakes
Bruno Medeiros
brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail
Mon Apr 4 10:45:38 PDT 2011
On 29/03/2011 16:22, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> On 03/29/2011 07:14 AM, Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>> On 28/03/2011 10:03, Alix Pexton wrote:
>>> try this?
>>> Dealing with Internet Trolls - the Cognitive Therapy Approach
>>> http://unarmed.shlomifish.org/909.html
>>> A...
>> Ha, I saw that article recently, I think it may work for overly excited
>> fanboys, or for people involved in a flame war, but not for trolls. In
>> other words I think it only works for people honest with their
>> intentions (even if very emotional about it), but not with people
>> deliberately spreading confusion, FUD, or just getting a kick out of
>> being a troll.
> (Disclaimer: I only skimmed it.) That must deal with the emotional
> reaction to trolling, but I have none. The only issue is that one
> individual is manipulating the system at reddit to spread
> disinformation. In addition, he is obsessively following Walter and
> finding fault with every word he says. We just need a principled
> approach to solving this problem. (When I'll find some time I'll do some
> stylometry - I'll create a language model from iliekcaeks' past texts
> and run it through parametricpoly's text. The styles are extremely
> similar and a language model will catch that. If the obtained perplexity
> is low, then that is indicative of socket puppetry. Not that that would
> be an Earth-shattering discovery :o).)
> I posted this last night in
> http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/gcmj1/digital_mars_aka_the_d_programming_language/:
> =====
> Registration is open for students starting today. Apply at the same
> location. We already have a strong lineup of mentors, projects, and
> students, and we're always looking for more. Good luck!
> =====
> When I downvote a post, I do so if it's factually incorrect or trolling.
> By that standard one would hardly find the above off-topic inside a
> thread about D's participation to GSoC 2011. Yet this morning the post
> was buried at the end of the thread with 13 downvotes canceling 14
> upvotes. This is particularly cynical because at the end of the day it's
> about some students making some money through the summer working on
> something they find fun. If e.g. the competing language Go would have a
> summer of code proposal and discussion, I'd find it heinous of me to try
> to make that information disappear or otherwise drive people away.
> Also, the GtkD announcement I made last night was deleted. I just
> emailed moderators about it. Leaving aside the fact that I'm doing what
> the authors of GtkD ought to be doing, I suspect moderators would
> automatically or semi-automatically delete a post if 10-20 users would
> click on "spam" for it. It's possible some socket puppets have been hard
> at work last night.
> Andrei
Are you saying all this drama regarding D in Reddit is mostly because
it's D and a particular someone with an agenda regarding D, and is not
the general ambiance of Reddit?
Because I rarely hear about or follow Reddit links outside of the D NG,
but when I do and check the discussions there, there is always some
controversy or flaming going on. I was starting to grow the impression
that Reddit is a huge troll cave (thus furthering my desire to avoid
it), so correct me if I'm wrong. (because on the other hand you seem to
favor posting stuff there a lot, versus other sites or news-aggregators)
Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer
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