i like cakes

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 10:58:58 PDT 2011

Bruno Medeiros Wrote:

> Are you saying all this drama regarding D in Reddit is mostly because 
> it's D and a particular someone with an agenda regarding D, and is not 
> the general ambiance of Reddit?
> Because I rarely hear about or follow Reddit links outside of the D NG, 
> but when I do and check the discussions there, there is always some 
> controversy or flaming going on. I was starting to grow the impression 
> that Reddit is a huge troll cave (thus furthering my desire to avoid 
> it), so correct me if I'm wrong. (because on the other hand you seem to 
> favor posting stuff there a lot, versus other sites or news-aggregators)

There is nothing wrong with controversy. There are definitely subjects which result in flaming and crappy discussion, but reddit is a News or "Cool places to go" kind of website. Unlike other sites (digg) when you click an article you are taken to the page, not the comments.

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