renamepalooza time
Lars T. Kyllingstad
public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Fri Jan 21 01:05:24 PST 2011
On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 01:57:39 -0600, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> The following symbols in std.string don't satisfy the Phobos naming
> conventions and need to be renamed:
> LS PS capwords countchars entab expandtabs hexdigits icmp iswhite
> ljustify lowercase maketrans newline octdigits removechars rjustify
> sformat splitlines stripl stripr tolower tolowerInPlace toupper
> toupperInPlace tr whitespace zfill
> Opinions on what to rename?
I think the following are fine, because you would most likely write them
as single words in ordinary text:
entab, lowercase, newline, whitespace
These should simply be camelCased:
countChars, expandTabs, hexDigits, removeChars, splitLines,
toLower, toLowerInPlace, toUpper, toUpperInPlace
These should be expanded a bit and camelCased:
LS: lineSep, lineSeparator
PS: paragraphSep, paragraphSeparator
capwords: capitalizeWords
iswhite: isWhitespace
ljustify: leftJustify
maketrans: makeTranslation
octdigits: octalDigits
rjustify: rightJustify
sformat: formatString
stripl: stripLeft
stripr: stripRight
zfill: zeroFill
I don't know about icmp. I guess I would prefer both cmp and icmp to be
renamed to compare and compareCaseInsensitive.
I really have no idea what to call tr.
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