renamepalooza time

foobar foo at
Fri Jan 21 02:27:51 PST 2011

Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> The following symbols in std.string don't satisfy the Phobos naming 
> conventions and need to be renamed:
> LS PS capwords countchars entab expandtabs hexdigits icmp iswhite 
> ljustify lowercase maketrans newline octdigits removechars rjustify 
> sformat splitlines stripl stripr tolower tolowerInPlace toupper 
> toupperInPlace tr whitespace zfill
> Opinions on what to rename?
> Thanks,
> Andrei

A few notes:
A) As discussed already in the thread about Unicode, some string algorithms depend on locale/language. From what I see in the docs this isn't handled properly at the moment. Is it possible to remove/deprecate the functions or at least add a warning in the docs? 
I prefer them to be marked as deprecated rather than renamed since they hopefully will be replaced anyway in the future. 
B) I prefer trim over strip as it is more descriptive IMO:
stripl => leftTrim
stripr => rightTrim

strip sounds to me like something related to clothing. 

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