renamepalooza time

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Fri Jan 21 12:00:43 PST 2011

On Friday, January 21, 2011 06:16:16 spir wrote:
> On 01/21/2011 10:14 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> > ljustify -> leftJustify /justifyLeft
> > rjustify -> rightJustify/justifyRight
> > stripl -> stripLeft
> > stripr -> striptRight
> Consistency. Eg: all qualifiers come first (like in english).

Actually, it's a bit funny in this case. You're stripping the left of the string 
or the right of the string, so stripLeft and stripRight make  a lot more sense 
than leftStrip and rightStrip (actually, those would be pretty horrible IMO). 
However, when talking about justifying text, you typically talk about it being 
left-justified or right-justified (or centered). So, it's more natural to have 
leftJustify and rightJustify. Now, it might technically be more correct to talk 
about justifying it to the right or left, but no one really talks that way. I 
believe that left justify and right justify are typically used as if they were 
composite verbs rather than talking about justifying text to the right or left.

So, it's going to make more sense to most people to have stripLeft, stripRight, 
leftJustify, and rightJustify rather than trying to put right and left on the 
same side for both strip and justify.

- Jonathan M Davis

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