Quo vadis, D2? Thoughts on the D library ecosystem.

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Sun Mar 20 00:41:19 PDT 2011

> On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Jonathan M Davis 
<jmdavisProg at gmx.com>wrote:
> > Really, the problem is that someone needs to take the initiative on this.
> > They
> > need to work on setting it up and supporting the ecosystem which would
> > result in
> > a group of such projects. Good ideas tend to be presented around here and
> > then
> > go nowhere, because no one actually takes the initiative to do them. The
> > "wouldn't this be a good idea?" tactic doesn't tend to get very far, even
> > if
> > everyone agrees, simply because someone has to put in the time and effort
> > to do
> > it, and while people may think that it's a good idea, there are only so
> > many
> > people working on Phobos and other D-related stuff, and there's a lot to
> > be done,
> > and everyone has something that they'd like to see done, and _that_ is
> > what they're generally working on.
> > 
> > 
> > - Jonathan M Davis
> It's not that someone needs to take the initiative, it's just that there
> aren't that many D developers.  I hope things improve once GDC is
> officially part of GCC and D becomes available on all GNU/Linux OSs. 
> Another thing that might need to happen is for the D project to join The
> Software Freedome Conservancy (SFC) or form its own non-profit 501(c)(3)
> organization, similar to Python Software Foundation.
> But that's just and I could be wrong.

It's both. Without any developers, there obviously won't be any code. However, 
until someone takes the initiative and sets up a proper place and framework 
for projects to be posted to with the idea that it's an incubator for possible 
additions to Phobos or for major 3rd party D projects, then there's no place 
for those developers to post their stuff. Right now, such stuff would either 
be posted on dsource and be lost in all of the cruft sitting there, or it 
would be posted on someplace like github where there's no real connection 
between any of the projects. A proper incubator site/project would be _the_ 
place to go looking for D projects, and it would be properly managed so that 
the state of each project was clear and dead/inactive projects weren't in the 
way (be it because they're removed or put in an area where such projects go 
and don't get in the way).

So, we need someone to take the initiative to set up a proper incubator 
site/project for D projects, and then we need developers to actually write 
projects/libraries and post them there.

- Jonathan M Davis

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