[GSOC] more ideas
dsimcha at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 24 16:42:04 PDT 2011
On 3/24/2011 7:26 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On 2011-03-24 15:04:45, David Nadlinger wrote:
>> On 3/24/11 10:31 PM, Kagamin wrote:
>>>> The first step would be to examine if MinGW's tools could be used.
>>> No way. They're GPL.
>> So?
> I wouldn't think that the GPL would be a problem for build tools. It (and
> LGPL) _is_ a problem for libraries, but you're not linking with tools or
> generally doing anything with their code. You're just using them. So, I
> wouldn't think that the GPL would be a problem. dmd's front-end is licensed on
> the GPL. Phobos, on the other hand, is licensed under Boost (except for a few
> older modules which haven't been replaced or relicensed yet). There's a big
> difference between a tool and a library with regards to how licenses affect
> them.
> - Jonathan M Davis
In case there was any ambiguity, the GPL FAQs specifically state that,
except in a few corner cases, the output of GPLed programs is **NOT**
covered by the GPL. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#GPLOutput
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