[GSoC] RFC: Thrift project proposal (draft)

David Nadlinger see at klickverbot.at
Thu Mar 24 16:46:39 PDT 2011

Hi all,

I am putting together a Google Summer of Code project proposal regarding 
the Apache Thrift idea (see the ideas page[1]), which I intend to 
officially submit as soon as the application period opens. You can find 
my first draft at http://klickverbot.at/code/gsoc/thrift/.

While I would love to hear any opinions, two specific questions:

Walter, could you as the organization admin please have a look at this 
if it meets your formal expectations (the application template section 
of the Digital Mars GSoC profile is still empty)?

Andrei, as you are the one behind the original suggestion, would you 
mind having a quick glance at the proposal? Do you have any experience 
with Thrift in production use from your work at Facebook?


P.S.: I am notoriously bad at writing »About me« sections, but from
reading around a bit I figured a GSoC application should include one…

[1] http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?GSOC_2011_Ideas

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